As an aside to that article, I was reading on the USNI website the other day that the decision has been made to NOT reinstate Captain Crozier as CO...
If you have a current passport you can use that instead of a star card. It's just a bit more of a hassle having to drag it out and keep track of it.
The FAA rule on alcohol is 8 hours, and the BAC limit is .04- a much lower threshold than driving. If you get randomed, however, you better blow a...
The whole 'toking and driving' thing, and how LE can accurate check that, is pretty much my last mental hurdle towards being fully on board with...
Alternate solutions exist. ;)
...And, apparently staff members can't be put on ignore. Durn.
Ohh, someone forgot the warning. On ignore you go, son.
Never been interested in weed or any other drug. Whiskey is my poison.
So... Russia is commiting gray warfare against us in Afghanistan? Like we did against them in the 80's? Welcome to adulthood. :shrug:
Aww, can't handle a little dose of truth or irony, eh? Sucks to be you.
I applaud winners. That's how capitalism works, children.
...And, notice how the armed forces haven't been called in. So what's your beef? :wtf: Oh, I forgot. Trump is worse than Hitler. :rolleyes: :dayton:
Sorry, but Elon Musk has these guys looking like amateur hour- rank hobbysits. While they're killing test pilots trying to emulate Alan Shepard's...
Cool. Refute it with your own source. :shrug: The left's whining about the right's 'weaponization' of cancel culture has been all over the net. I...
Really? Post some video.
Look up the Insurrection Act of 1807, and get back to me with your abject apology for not knowing your history, government, or law.
Riiight. That 'divisiveness' is purely media-driven- it has nothing to do with Trump, if anyone would actually fucking listen to anything he says.
Oooh, Trump is so scary. A billionaire with no ties to D.C., who didn't need the job. Jumped into the race to stir things up, make a point, and then...
Heh. Dickheadnu, [ignored content] does not get to play. :tasvir:
Get the fuck out of here with that sad bullshit. Time for you to go refresh yourself on the REAL WWII. Can't believe you've actually bought into...
Yes. Tonight. See teh whiskey thread!
Given that how y'all think Trump has a lower IQ than Jenee, are you really going to try and hang something like that on him personally? Hell, half...
All rental car companies suck, and none are to be trusted. Remember that going forward.
If that's all you got, Holmes, just go home now. :rolleyes:
Now Jerry Nadler is claiming ANTIFA is 'imaginary'. You just can't make this shit up....
Jesus wept. You are completely off the res. :dayton:
I used to live down off of Villa Rica. Whereabouts are you?
Why do you think Hillary sold half our Uranium reserves to a Russian company?
ANYONE with all their marbles and a firm conviction of their beliefs, right or wrong, would destroy Biden on the debate stage in his current state....
Well, tonight, anyway.
Quit building patently ridiculous strawmen and get into the real world.
Which one of the idiots in the emojo am I? I'M ALL OF THEM!
It's Friday, I'm home, on vacation, pissed off at the world, the wife is out of town, animals are fed, and I'm about to WALK to the package store to...
Well, think real hard about your totally realistic scenario there and get back to me.
Cue the echo chamber: "Oh, he doesn't get it! (Neither do we, but...) WHAT A FUCKING IDIOT! HURR!
I don't even know what the hell you're talking about here.
Separate names with a comma.