I take particular delight in reprisal being the only thing you delight in anymore. I like you this way, Mason. While spite is a powerful reason to...
Loved her in Harry Potter and Downton Abbey. [ATTACH]
If I were to write the sentence “[…] spoke to his abilities […]” Or “[…] spoke of his abilities […]” Which is correct?
[ATTACH] I’d say I don’t think anyone here would accuse me of being anti-gun control. But, then I wouldn’t have thought a lot of things that’s been...
I’m nearing the end of another watchthrough of The Mandalorian, Grogu has just gotten his second piece of beskar armor and wanted to compare it to...
Three masked gunmen attacked a concert hall in Moscow, killing at least 12. The building is now burning....
@Rincewiend, What is the English word for Donk? In my last job, I was always amused by the doctor’s last name of Van der Donk. [ATTACH]
So as to not further highjack someone else’s thread… The only thing I can say about this game so far is … Fuck, this is hard! You know …, for a...
[ATTACH] I’ll go first. Mountain Spring Summer’s Eve (2 2 packs) Imodium clothes pins
I’ve seen this series like … 3 now all the way through. Bored this morning, nothing to watch, so I started this again. I don’t care what anyone...
[ATTACH] I’m calling them “Scruffy-Looking Nerf Herders. Name of the album is Hello There.
Is anyone else watching this? Dickens created a character with an unforgettable name, then … forgot about him. Never followed up, never wrote more...
Sent to me by my Libertarian friend. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8rbVdTq/
[ATTACH] Or the poor can't afford to shop there. :shrug:
Do your certifications or whatever. I’m getting this error NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID
[ATTACH] Intellectual dishonesty AND YOU KNOW IT. No I don’t know it. Trump indictments are 100% political. If you mean, because he took political...
Here is a prime example of propaganda. https://www.statnews.com/2023/07/05/ozempic-rybelsus-novo-nordisk-meals-for-doctors/ [ATTACH] One of my...
We all know George III was mad as a hatter. But, this show tells us the intimate, day to day , living with a man with mental illness. It’s a sad...
Saw this on facebook… so I had to google it. Couldn’t find anything from Reuters, but, then, I guess it’s not really news. I did find an article...
Honestly. I can't wait for sexbots. Then maybe men might realize women are human as well.
I know it’s an old show, but I accidentally started watching it. It’s so fucking hilarious. Has anyone else seen this? Also, weird side note, when...
DART’s target asteroid is NOT a threat to Earth before, during or after the impact event. That’s assuming there isn’t a more intelligent life form...
As far as reaction videos goes, most are … not interesting enough for me to finish. But, this guy reacts like he’s right there - which is what makes...
We have a random Star Trek discussion thread. Why not a Star Wars thread? For that matter, why not a Stargate discussion thread. Anyway, I just...
Can we get a spreadsheet or something in some sort of alphabetical order of who is who? Who is/was Ben Ruthlessburger?
Stumbled across this while looking for something else. But, I do have a question for wordforge. What do you think of this? Should DNA evidence,...
So, listening to the radio this morning - Brian, Ally, and Justin. And Ally tells something weird that happened to her over the weekend. She’s in...
So, watching SG1's Window of Opportunity, which also brings to mind TNG's Cause and Effect, I'm wondering ... even if the people caught in time loops...
Pizza is disgusting, regardless of what’s on it.
Muad would have loved this thread. https://www.iflscience.com/chemistry/
So …, for whatever bored reason I’ve started listening to this podcast called “Lights Out”. It talks about paranormal stories, but also really...
[ATTACH] This came up in my Facebook feed. My number comes out to 1967 as the year I escaped death - I would have been 3 and would have no memory...
What does anyone care about Dave Chapelle or Cara Dune. I mean, if I totally fucked up my job, would anyone care?
Jenee is drunk. And bored. Played all my stupid app games. Ask me anything.
Has been identified - according to Fox News. Not disputing Fox News, just that the Google results so far point to Fox News’ report....
So, Mace was force-electrocuted and thrown out of a high-rise window. But ..., in every other movie even in the animated series, Jedi have survived...
I saw this meme this morning and texted it to the teenager because it’s right up his alley. I just thought it was funny. But …, check out his...
Separate names with a comma.