That's just really fucking sick. Real 1984 shit right there. For the Uncle Albert's out there by the way, 1984 is a book that warned about the rise of racism in a free country. It gets banned a lot, so you might not be aware of it.
But didn't you hear? Big Brother authorized the increase* of chocolate rations! *codified the previous decrease
Hertz sends that email to pretty much everyone who rents from them. That said, they’re offering a Model 3 for less than the trade in value of my 2020 Corolla with twice the miles… that’s sorely tempting, actually.
Got news for you: So are most cars these days. All of them have Incident Data Recorders, which are like the black boxes on airplanes, and car makers pinky swear that they'll never ever use them to see if you're following things like proper service intervals (and they certainly won't use that failure to completely void your warranty). They almost all have some kind of onboard GPS tracking system that reports back to the mothership, and many cars can be remotely disabled by the manufacturer if you miss a payment. (Or the authorities ask them to.) Tesla's also not the only car maker that has cameras pointing at the driver to make sure that you're paying attention when the cruise control is on.
‘Privacy Nightmare on Wheels’: Every Car Brand Reviewed By Mozilla — Including Ford, Volkswagen and Toyota — Flunks Privacy Test That was from 2023, and I can't image things are getting better.
Elon Musk’s Boring Company Is Tunneling Beneath Las Vegas With Little Oversight And even that is too much for Musk.