In order to liven things up around here, I propose that we list our dream team of President and VP for 2008. Now, I don't care if the candidate you want is dead; post them anyway. You want Reagan paired with Frank Sinatra, go right ahead. I just want to get an idea how Wordforgers think of as their ideal candidate. For myself, I really want to see Susan Sarandon and Jean Garofalo.
Only if they do the State Of The Union Address as they Lez out on top of the desk in the Oval Office.
Mother Teresa?!?! Nuh uh, no way!!
Jeb Bartlet/Capitan Picard (yes I'm a lefty...) or Admiral Adama/Laura Rosylin w/Saul Tigh in charge of defense or as Chief of Staff.
What really makes me laugh is thinking of the people round here who'd rather vote for Hillary than those two...
^ (to Linda) What's really scary is that they've finally found someone that Hillary beats in the qualifications department.
I don't know how to take this seriously.....all time dead or alive is so very HUGE. I think Lee for character unrivaled by any but Washington... but then I have to answer "why not Washington?" Still, I thik I will go with the consideration that whoever it is would have to have some grip on the way the world works in the last 50 years and not an understanding 200 years out of date so..... Reagen/Kemp The ticket we should have had in 1980.
I'm willing to forgive him for it; Hamilton lied to him as to the nature of the rebels (calling them levelers (communists, had the term been around then) and assassins (IIRC) among other things) and he was fooled. How far we have fallen when it once took an Alexander Hamilton to fool the president, but there's a 50% chance that our president in 2009 will have been fooled by George W. Bush.
Why not both? Washington / Lee or vice versa. But I was originally thinking John Wayne / Clint Eastwood. We'd get the WOT taken care of, that's for sure.
Joke: Bill the Cat/Opus (I could finally get rid of my "Don't blame me, I voted for Bill & Opus" bumper sticker) Dead: TR/Truman (Harry, not Show) Living: Gary Hart/Howard Dean (Hart was way ahead of his time, just undone by his pecker; Dean is there just to scare the shit out of anyone we don't like) And here's a random pic to just for the rep: