Steele will announce for the RNC chair. So if it comes down to these two men, who would you like to see gain the position? EDIT: Steele will seek the RNC chair, Newt will NOT run.
I don't really know anything about Steele, but Gingrich is a hypocrite of the highest order... so he'd make the perfect RNC chair!
If Newt sits at the RNC chair, will he have Nancy Pelosi sit on his lap while they coo about carbon credits?
As a Democrat, I'll be laughing at either of those proven failures. The only funnier choice than Newt would be Tom Delay. I'm feeling very good about 2010 and 2012 right about now.
Steele is best known for busing in homeless black men from Philadelphia during his 2006 Senate race in Maryland to hand out fliers falsely identifying himself as a Democrat.
McCain was doing the same thing for his rallies to boost attendance... I guess it's a Republican thing...
I'm torn...Newt has a track record of this kind of thing, he's a genuine idea man and a good strategist which the party needs (personal failures aside) but his recent slipping into the climate change camp is worrisome (several otherwise solid Republicans making that mistake) Steele, otoh, is a talent but marooned in a state where he'll never get to apply it. Unless he moves or a future Republican president appoints him to a cabinet post he'll go to waste...and this would be one way to get some use out of him. I'd be down with either one.
For all those reasons (including Climate Change) I go with Newt. A few years ago I got to meet him at a Republican Fundraiser in Mobile. Interesting character and good speaker IMO.
Newt. 100% no doubt whatsoever. Nobody has more experience of dealing with this type of situation than him. Just his appointment would have the left foaming at the mouth and throwing up his past goofy comments like he was running for office again. This choice can make or break 2012. Regardless of his beliefs, he's sharp as hell when it comes to strategy.
I voted for Newt. He may have his own personal issues, but he seems to have a good feel for the American public and always has been a good strategist and fund raiser.
Well, it appears that Newt is NOT running and might endorse Michael Steele. Awesome.
Both men would make for a good choice, IMHO. People tend to associate the Clinton years with peace and prosperity, but some of the credit should go to Newt, IMHO. He's a compromiser that knows how to get things done, however, his behavior during the Lewinsky scandal is inexcusable. Steele OTOH, represents the future of the party. ... And quite frankly, if Steele were head of the RNC, I'm sure he would not tolerate some of the tactics used by the GOP such as using racism and fear to scare voters. I think he would be the better choice because of that. With that said, I'm sure the GOP would pick Gingrich.
Examples? Examples which trump the oft reported stories of Democrats stampeding black voters with scare stories about Republican racism?
Oh boo-fucking hoo! Take you unsubstantiated claims of evil RNC disfranchising conspiracies along with Mewa's "the only reason people don't like Obama is because he's black" and shove it straight up your ass, little man. And the last thing we need is some sort of pussy 'compromiser'. Do you even understand what the RNC chair fucking does?
Newt is a smart man. He would be good working behind the scenes but he has had to many screw ups to be in the limelight.
That the Harold Ford ad? Big fat hairy deal. There isn't one redneck in five hundred who would have voted for Ford until it was implied he might date a white girl. I'm mystified that people still think people care about that shit. That doesn't REMOTELY compare to some of the shit that has been fed to black voters about what evil Republicans were going to do to them if they got power (none of which ever happens of course but the lies keep getting told) For instance, the Limbaugh Ad in Spanish ran by the Obama campaign for a recent example. They run ads like that on black stations somewhere pretty much every cycle.