A lawsuit for defaming an anonymous screen name on a messageboard would certainly be a new chapter in the annals of legal stupidity.
I mean, even if he could get it off the ground, I'd have to actually be making shit up to be defaming him. He can wriggle around on a message board, but in a deposition it's be hard to deny he said there's no harm in looking at underage girls when it's right there in black and white.
If he did sue you and he got past the preliminary hurdles, he'd have to show damage to his reputation to win anything. Which I don't think he can do, because a) presumably no one outside of WF has seen these comments b) his reputation here on WF is what it is. I would love to see him defend the plethora of crazy statements/actions he has done over the years and then try to argue that his reputation took an undeserved hit from only this specific allegation.
Especially since, in bringing the suit, FF would have to officially link his online account to a public ID. Which would then be accessible via court records. That's assuming Crosis doesn't use a VPN and FFs lawyers could easily prove the links in Crosis' sig match IP records, but let's be charitable and say Crosis freely admits he said FF/Billy/SYF/Cuntwaffle was a pedo... he's still got to put his posting history into public record.
If it is, it should be Fir Defaamsation. And he should bring the trimmings and condiments, because I hear Dutch Prime Minister is on the menu.
I’m not saying it is the most likely interpretation. But have we considered if Drunk Billy with his threat of Defamsation was not in fact threatening legal action but instead to launch someone out a window?
Let’s say I trust your judgment as a lawyer. Can you say that the quote in question proves that (A) I’m a pedophille and / or I said that it’s okay to ogle 12 year old girls in a deposition?
The text is there for all to see, and has been recapped repeatedly. No matter how many times you say liar, it's still there.
Okay lawyers of Wordforge, be real and don’t be trolls. Tell the truth, I’ve hired you as my lawyer, tell me what you actually think.
The text doesn’t say what you think it says, but do continue to defend an actual convicted pedophille.