How about the show starts with Pike as the Captain, with Gary Mitchell and Jimmy Kirk at helm and navigator. Also, it could show Spock working the "night" shift. I think it would be kind of cool to show a younger Kirk at this role, rather than at the academy. They can show Kirk and Gary chasing a few of the skirts, also that little blonde lab assisstant that almost married Kirk could make an appearance (Carol Marcus?). It would be fun, to show Gary and Kirk teasing Spock or playing little jokes on him.... The could also explain that, even though "Number One" is the XO, she will not be promoted to CO as she is a Science officer, and not a command officer. The Star fleet regs at the time would not permit her to take command of the ship in a Captain capacity. (We can all just ignore the episode that stated starfleet wouldn't let women be captains) I would love it if they never really showed Scotty, we could just hear a Scottish voice over the speakers. Kirk and Pike, Mitchell can make mention that the new engineer is always tinkering with the engines, trying to make improvements. "A real grease monkey" I would also love the end of the movie have some some Starfleet cadets be given a tour around the ship, and we could see Midshipmen Uhura and Sulu walk around the enterprise with star struck eyes. Also a little Russian plebe gets to make the tour because he scored the highest science score in the academy (Or something like that). He can be always underfoot and we can see Kirk make an impression on him. I think it would be cool to include the younger three in this fashion, and not have them already aboard the ship as full fledge officers.
Fan boys would have a shit fit. How dare you rewritie Captain Kirk that way! Damn you all to hell and may the worse forms of tortue be inflicted upon your tiny lapdog.