Some spoiled little piece of shit decides to slap his mom during an argument. If I had ever done this to my mom, I sure as hell would be picking my teeth up from the floor at the very least. This little fuck is going to end up with his ass in jail or worse if he doesn't start to calm the fuck down. [YT="Skip to 1:50 mark... but the rest of it is pretty damn good too."]iSq2sI5SMws[/YT]
Oh HELL no. Little bastard needs the Red Foreman treatment. Don't give me any bullshit about "take away his iphone and give him a time-out," either.
First you have to ask how he was allowed to get to this age without this behavior being corrected. Toddlers will often hit because they don't understand what they're doing. That's when Mom grabs the kid's hand, firmly but not painfully, and very clearly says "No!" It takes only a few repetitions for the kid to get it. Problem solved.
Oh, and it's the mother's fuckin' fault. You have a relationship with your child that involves addressing him as an equal ("Dude...") you're doing it wrong.
Maybe the parents let him get away with it, or maybe the get has some emotional or psychological issues that normal parenting has been unable to rectify. In either case, the little fucker needs his fucking ass stomped!!!
This. There are bad parents and then there are kids that are just bad. They don't necessarily go hand in hand. Regardless the kid needs to be stomped at this point. How he is stomped is the question. Physically or virtually? Now about for striking your parent, as with everything else there are few absolutes. Some times I can see it being justified.
A few repetitions??? It shouldn't happen once, if it happens once then THAT should be the last time, hell the one time he should get his face slapped for. That would guarantee he never does it again. Ever. Not a few times to get it right.
Send him to a juvenile detention center, and let's see what happens with that kind of behavior. (By both the detetnion staff, and the otherr inmates)
That kid would own nothing but his school work, a bed, his clothes and a few books in a bedroom with no door until his ass was straightened out if I was taking care of him. Every time I see that behavior I know it's a parent who bribes when they want them to behave in front of other people. It teaches them to act out all the time to get what they want, and if they don't, they get violent and full of rage.
If I'd ever tried that with my mom, I'd have gotten as far as raising my hand to her and then been upside down and airborne. On the other hand, that kid looked like he had some major tourettes, and sometimes that goes hand in hand with ADHD. I've got a cousin like that.
This thing got posted and I didn't check the video. But then later I said to myself...'I bet its a white kid!'. Bingo!! Why is it always a white kid talking shit to his parents?? You guys...sheesh!!
I be seeing white kids tellin' they mom shut up! Making demands! Running ragged in malls. Sheeesh!! I know ya'll heard some of the stand-up comedy concerning that shit. You white mothers need to bring a big slipper with you to the mall. Slap that little brat with that mutha fuckin' slipper! they will learn!
I'm not sure what my mom would do if I ever hit her. She was somewhat passive. My dad on the other hand would have sent my sorry ass into LEO if I ever raised a hand to my mom.
My mom didn't believe in striking the face. As a friend put it, the palm of the hand fits the shape of a kid's butt real nice. And I can guarantee it I ever tried it, I'd be standing for meals and stomach sleeping for a week. And then I'd use up a ream of paper writing why it was wrong to even think of taking a swing at my parent
Oh. Fuck. No. I would have slapped that kid so hard he has a psychedelic experience. I am a firm believer in returning violence to children. I don't intend on being a violent parent, HOWEVER...if they use violence on me they can EXPECT a fucking return. And no more cokes. Damn kid's too fat, he's gonna have heart problems by the time he becomes a teenager. He doesn't need that shit anyway.