Our '95 Taurus was a good car and got really good mileage to boot. Our '01 Taurus is a pretty good car, too, and continues to be reliable, though the mileage is somewhat worse than the '95. Can't say as I understand the hate against them. The only ones I never much cared for were the '96-'99 models that went for an oval theme.
i want a buick lucerne. black. with the darkest tint i can get and the kind of seats that remember you and go to their proper position when you turn the key.
That is the most pathetic display I have ever seen! It's barely more than a dusting for God's sake! Now this is snow: [YT="Snow!"]yj9v59DG3vA[/YT]
The 1976 Cadillac Eldorado convertible. 9 mpg -- but back then gas was about .60 gallon. The most beautiful car ever built. Like riding on a cloud. They don't make cars like this anymore.
Last car I wanked over. Every time we roll into the Jet Center in Scottsdale they have a new sexy bitch on display (and for sale). I don't take pics of them all, but in this case I couldn't resist, especially given that Shelby recently passed away.
I think I'm bucking the norm here but even though I'm slipping into the "old man" big tuna-boat sized car loving demographic, I'm shooting for a Mini Cooper as my dream car. Hell to me would be a huge imposing SUV blocking out the sun for the other drivers. Then again, I do love my current VW New Beetle even though everyone points and laughs and says it doesn't match my personality. Option B to the mini would be a small Toyota pickup, assuming they still make them as reliable as they did in the 80's. I saw buttloads of small Toyota pickups in Iraq 2003, (looking weathered but still the reliable, low maintenance workhorses they always were).
How about something amazingly beautiful that doesnt cost much, just a small 2 door family car... Everything about this is soul, passion and beauty, pity about the reliability
my mom drives a volvo. if it was a regular sedan and not a station wagon, i'd steal it from her. it's a nice ride! @ krieg...i really do like the old people cars. they're so comfy!
Skin's idea of an old man car. And by the time Skin's an old man, that Mr. Fusion powerplant should be one of the options.
I had a 1995 Ford Escort until 2005. I have a 1995 Honda Accord now. With the same model year, the Honda runs better today than the Ford did seven years ago.
http://www.autoblog.com/2007/10/26/man-with-2-6-million-mile-volvo-p1800-aims-for-3-million/ Almost 3 million miles on the car. Sure, most Volvos look like shit. So do Saabs. But they got Ford beat at least in reliability. I'll wank over a Ford the minute they make one that can survive a fraction of what a Honda can.
According to Wiki, as of January 2012 it has 2.9+ million miles on it and is still going. Odds are, he could hit the 3 Million mark this year.
That guy must do a lot of driving. I typically put 15,000 or so a year on my car, so I probably won't hit 3 million of miles of driving over my entire lifetime.
With that many miles, I would guess the odds of him wrecking the car are higher. He lives in NY, the average rate of accidents per million miles is 2.53, so he should have had almost 7.59 by now.