Said to be suffering from dehydration after collapsing in Winnipeg. I know he's 92 and all, but the heat in Winnipeg can't be anything like what he experiences in GA.
the heat isn't the issue - you can get dehydration in Antarctica. And at 92 everything hits your body with more intensity. Only one man can save him now from the dehydration.....
Spoken like someone who's never had to endure a Georgia summer. People from tropical countries bitch about how hot it is in TN, and Georgia's even worse.
He's 92, a cancer survivor, and he's still climbing ladders and doing construction. They'll pump him full of fluids and he'll be back at work within a week. Semper fortis, sir.
He may not have been the best President, IMO, but a truly good man and we could use more Jimmy Carters in government.
Interesting to compare Daytons response in threads like this to his falling to heel in Trump threads.
He made a pretty amazing recovery from cancer last year and I know the old guy pushes himself pretty hard.
You forgot that his cancer was fairly recent, like within the last two years. It's like he has a hook up with the Grim Reaper, cuz I thought his cancer would have gotten him 2016'd for sure.
It can dehydrate you more. Your body sweats to cool you off. In hot and dry weather your sweat evaporates quicker and easier cooling you off, once you cool off your body stops sweating. In hot and humid weather your body sweats, but it doesn't evaporate as easy. So your body sweats even more to try to cool off, but since it doesn't evaporate your body will continue sweating. This can cause you to dehydrate faster and easier than in hot and dry weather. That's why a sauna can cause you to lose weight, you sweat continuously and lose water weight.
The difference between hot and humid and hot and dry is that in hot and humid you notice how much you're sweating, but in hot and dry you don't. Because the sweat evaporates almost as soon as it hits your skin in a dry climate, you don't realize you're sweating, whereas in a humid climate, the sweat pools on your body, so you notice, and if you know what the risks are, you take precautions.
wow I was going to address eight ball's comment on "humid versus dry" but it's been covered. But enough about weather, we must admit that Jimmy Carter (despite our varying political beliefs) is a very inspiring person! He shows us that getting old is no excuse for rolling up your sleeves and getting out into the world and at least trying to make a difference. It's all about your attitude and motivation really. I love this guy!
I have long admired Mr. Carter for not only his visible charity work, but for his desire to put thought into action and step out into the community and work to uplift people in need.
I have to say that I consider Carter a loon. I can remember as a kid when we got rid of Ford and everyone was so excited about Carter. It was a complete letdown. He had no idea how to work with congress and only got a little done. Carter tried to take all the interstate highway signs to Metric, it only happened in a few places. He did make it legal to make your own beer. His brave and highpoint was when he went to 3 mile island after the meltdown to show America that there was no danger. He had been a Navy nukie so that helped. He actually tried to do what I consider a wonderful thing back in the 70,s. He tried to pass legislation that all Americans would have a maximum $5000 medical deductible before the government kicked in to take over. I feel this would have been the right think to do because it would have brought the insurance companies to their knees because it would have made it easier to go without insurance with only a $5000 risk. 5k was a lot back then but it would have been the beginning of something great. Who fought him on this, none other than Ted Kennedy of his own party who was in the back pocket of insurance companies. Carter hated him after that. At some point he just lost it though. He was always taking the muslims and totally misunderstood the Middle East. There was the Iran thing and the hostages and his complete failure there. He was horrible for the military. He cut everything. There were planes setting in the hangers with red exes waiting on tires until well into the Reagan administration. That is why it cost so much during Reagan's time to get us up to speed again.