God DAMN! I mean come off them for a bit. We know you all are smarter, more sophisicatated, and all around better than us church-going gun-toting red-staters. Or at least you know you are. Could you just stop talking about it for a second? I already de-friended one person on Facebook because the guy was an idiot and every post he made was either bitching about how much he hated his job or bitching about how ignorant rednecks were and how saintly the Obama (praise His name) was. I've got another guy--actually a pretty smart guy. Be he's getting close to getting bumped off too. Every fucking post he makes to Facebook is about how backwards Christians are, how awesome atheists are, how ignorant people who don't believe in Global Warming are, how eeeeevil Corporate Fatcats are, or how mean everyone is to the Obama (praise His name). Jesus. We get it. You don't believe in God. You do believe in Global Warming and socialism. And you think anyone with opposing views is an ignorant rube. Talk about baseball or the cats or going to the state fair or some goddamn thing.
But that would reduce your friend's chances of scoring some hairy, unwashed hippie pussy. Come to think of it, maybe he's not that bright, after all.
I'm very tempted to defriend one guy on Facebook. He's a Democrat Tool, constantly whining about how evil Republicans are and how pure and holy and nible Democrats are. I only friended him because he runs a radio message board I'm active on.
I have several friends like that on FB that I've "hidden". As far as they know, we're still "friends", but I don't have to read their stupid shit. The funny thing is many of these people are friends IRL, but they don't act the fool in person.
Make a second account and only friend this tool..send a message it's your backup account so he/she will accept you easily. Then with that account go and join every annoying group that is the opposite of their ideology and every time they make an ass of themselves, mirror it with the other account. Let him see how annoying it is. He praises Obama...you praise Palin, he bashes religion, you bash atheists. After he breaks or defriends you, erase the account and start again with the next tool. Gmail is easy to make.
Good lord this is stupid. Just say, "HEY MOTHER FUCKER SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY!! I DON'T NEED TO HEAR FOR THE HUNDREDTH THOUSAND FUCKING TIME ABOUT HOW AWESOME YOU ARE. BECAUSE YOU'RE NOT AWESOME YOU DUMB COCK-SUCKING BITCH OF A WHORE" They will either get the message or you just remove their sorry ass from being your friend. Oh and Volpone if you don't want those types on your Facebook page then stop hanging out at those bars.
There's plenty of that shit going on from both side of the aisle, unfortunately. I'm sympathetic to the "new opposition", but they really need to shut the fuck up with the emotionalism and the hyperbole. They're not doing themselves any favors. Personally, I'm wholly in favor of obnoxious Obama supporters blathering endlessly about what an outstanding president, and how big of an improvement over Bush, he is. Reasonable people, from both the right and the left, know they were sold a bill of goods in 2008, and the more empty sabre rattling they hear from mindless Obama cheerleaders, the sicker they become of having their intelligence insulted. It's not that Obama's stupid, he's just unqualified and bereft of good ideas and realistic solutions. That's pretty much what he's proven, with appalling consistency, for the past 20 months. Right now, the worst possible thing for him is to have people going around testimafying about what a righteous dude he is. Even he doesn't understand that, (the "hand to hand combat" crack pretty much proves his lack of political savvy.) I say, let them keep boasting. It might not bury him, but there's a good chance that it will result in a Congress that impedes ( to some extent ) his ability to legislate his destructive ideological leanings.
I mean really. I have a fair number of friends that are Christian. And even a couple pagans. And once in awhile one will say something about being grateful to God or asking for prayers about someone who is sick, but it is never like "SEE!? I'm right and you're wrong and if you don't accept Jesus into your life you will BURN in the Hell-fires of damnation!" It is never Sarah Palin, Karl Rove, Bush, and Cheney are awesome (OK, maybe once in awhile) or everyone who worships the Obama is an idiot. I keep quiet about that shit on Facebook, because either you agree with it or you don't. And me yammering on about it isn't going to change your views, so why bother? The only thing I can figure is it is some kind of insecurity and if they put it out there, at least one or two of their friends will leap in and agree with them. Oh, and for the record, that is part of why I'm not on the Wordforge group on Facebook and I don't actively seek out WFers there. This is where I get to be a bit of a dick. I'd just as soon minimize the overlap there.
You post this, exactly like this on the comments of the next motherfucking status update that irritates you. Simple as that. Speak your damn mind man otherwise these whiny little bitches will never get the message.
Depends on why you're there. If you're looking to live vicariously from your computer chair, I'm right there with you. On the other hand, FB is very useful in connecting with people with whom you may have lost touch. Also, if you're in business, it's a good place to get leads, expand your professional network in a non-threatening/non-pushy way, not to mention bounce ideas off of your demographic.
This dumb shit comeback always annoys me. Everyone knows damn well my intended meaning wasn't "have intercourse with those people".
I tend not to invoke any politics on facebook being that I have friends who are both liberal and conservative. It's just easier that way.
Uh, it's Facebook. Just post whatever you like and let the others post their shit. Freedom of speech: it's not just for you anymore.
Too bad they don't believe in economics like they believe in global warming. At least then they'd be just the slightest bit aware of how costly and destructive this "green" movement is to our liberties.
Liberalism is never presented in terms of costs and benefits -- only benefits. One of the reasons it seems like liberals and conservatives are speaking completely different languages sometimes is because they literally leave out half the vocabulary. Usually the part with the costs. You won't find much concern about "freedom" at Democratic Underground. Whenever I encounter people like the ones you're describing, I go straight for that "oversight." When you ask liberals to explain their agenda in terms of its impact on concepts like "freedom," "justice," and "incentives," you're asking them to make a choice. Most liberals have never even considered the costs of their folly in that light, and so you'll find that they're entirely unprepared to defend it in those terms. Some libs know exactly what they're doing. Freedom isn't worth shit to them. So, get them to admit it. This isn't as easy as it sounds, since they'll try to describe freedom as "freedom from poverty," or some such nonsense. You can boil it down to the fact that what they want from government (and society) is completely contrary to what the Constitution calls for, what America stands for. Even hardcore leftists don't like being called un-American, but that's their identity crisis -- not yours. Make them face up to it.
Ah, but then such people will accuse you of being "mean" or not looking at "the big picture". While they may not like to think about it, even instinctively they know you can't make a Worker's Paradise without breaking a few eggs.
You really can't make brownies without breaking eggs either, so knowing that libs tend to be... fond of brownies, maybe they'll understand the metaphor
Well, Volpone is a raging poof who bathes only with a loofa and rose scented body wash, so what he knows about soap and its boxes is quite limited.