Can't get their shit together. They were going to have Thanksgivining but then they all decided to go shopping today and pushed it back to 6pm tonight and they are only having soups. Fucking weridos. And it's at her cousins house. She doesn't even TALK to her cousin, but I am expected to drag my ass 30 miles out in the middle of nowhere to sit at these morons house and try to make small talk with small town hicks that only have college football and church to talk about. Oh Joy for me. HAPPY FUCKING HOLIDAYS FUCKERS. :turkey3:
Yep, hence the idiot part. THis is that , we spent Thursday with our immediate familes now it's friday and we're going to inconvenince our entire extended family and ruin their entire friday night. Bastards. I wanted to go see muppets. :turkeytalk:
Great. Now I'm trying to get the mental movie of Cardassian hillbillies out of my head. Thanks for that, you inconsiderate jizz clot. Thanks a bunch.
It's only been 2 years since her cousin found out he had an 8 year old daughter and had to integrate her into his family with his wife and newborn baby girl. So it's more Maury Povich.
Y'awl jist wait, whun Joe-Bob, Billy-Bob 'n' Bobby-Bob hears 'bout t'is, they's gohn be HAYULL t'pay! Y'hear?
I had a co-worker who swore her in-laws were so stupid they thought Stephen Colbert was on the level...
HOLY SHITBALLS. I got pissed, said they were fucking stupid and that I wasn't going. And we didnt. Wasn't our worst fight ever but it definitely made the top five.
Have you considered locking her in the basement for a week? If there's a well down there, even better. You can lower a bottle of lotion to her in a basket.
Do you live near PULASKI OH, perhaps? The people whom you are describing sound EXACTLY like my mother's people. Are you my uncle? Now you know ONE of the MANY reasons that I washed my hands of that side of the family.
This all sounds a lot like Canadian Thanksgiving. Only they do theirs on October 1, I believe. And there's maple syrup involved.
You have not lived until you have tried Montreal poutine! A frenchman - an ACTUAL Frenchman, from Montreal - opened up a poutinery in Canmore recently. It's a 45 minute drive from my city, but it's well worth the trip through the mountains. They double fry the fries, then add cheese curds, bacon, pepperoni, ham, and ground beef, then drench the whole thing in gravy. Heartstopping taste, in more ways than one.
It takes time but there is a solution. get your wife to realize that her family are nothing more than a collection of genetically related shit heads, morons, and dirt balls. Eventually she sees the light and walks away from them.