He does seem much more like the proverbial "real person" than most other presidential candidates. I'll give him that. But it's still his policies that will count, not his taste in TV.
Not much of an insult, sure flashing the Vulcan signs while smiling is an idiot move but c'mon it's not that big a deal. Senator Obama was probably just excited to see Spock.
I hear that Obama favors admission of Bajor into the Federation, but he doesn't want a repeat of that whole Coridan fiasco...
Naw, Sisko. If we are to go by the folks here suffering from ODS, Obama would have to be The Emissary...
I think it's interesting. I didn't know he was a Trekkie. If you took your blinders off, you might think it was cool too. And I guess it makes my avatar all the more appropriate!
I think this explains the Sarah Palin worship by much of this board. Obama being Sisko would make McCain Gul Dukat. That would make Palin Dukat's drunken inept sidekick, Damar. Of course in the end Damar confounds all the fully justified exceedingly low expectations people have of him to become a great leader who inspires his people to throw off the yoke of oppression.
No, I don't think comparing her to Damar is correct, as he did the right thing in the end. A far better comparison would be the power-hungry Kai Winn, who wanted the adoration of the world, but was not ready to lead Bajor, and embarked on the dark path with Gul Dukat (McCain). But Gul Dukat wanted the power for himself and cast Winn into the fiery pits and ended up losing to The Sisko anyway.
My point is that we haven't gotten to the end with Palin yet, so people who want to hope for the best from her assume that because she's the drunken inept sidekick of Gul Dukat that she will inevitably eventually do the right thing. She won't, but a conservatrekkie might think otherwise.
Damn it! If only Obama had went with Hillary as he VP, then we could compare her to Kira! Wait...no...no...