UPDATE: Sandusky's trial has been going on all week. Pretty difficult to stomach too much of this stuff, but I thought this was an interesting take on the proceedings.
Rape is always about power as much as it is desire, probably more so, in fact. You can bet he is enjoying watching the power even talking about what happened has over his victims. He loves knowing they will be tormented by what he did for the rest of their lives. I often think that testimony like that shouldn't be done in front of rapists both because it titillates them but also because it must make such testimony that much harder for the victims.
the Penn State inquiry is official - the President of Penn State may very well suffer perjury and obstruction of justice charges now, as it is clear he knew more than he told police. And turns out the guy that talking them all out of turning over Sandusky to the authorities or helping the kids? Paterno. Everbody's favorite octagenarion helped cover up serial child rape. What a complete scum bag. http://aol.sportingnews.com/ncaa-fo...d=maing-grid7|main5|dl3|sec1_lnk2&pLid=178393
I agree that with what was suggested that the Penn State football program should get the "death penalty" The DP for a sports program (banning it for two years, eliminating its scholarship programs) basically sets the program back for as much as a decade. That would send the right message to colleges and other public institutions that you don't put your "reputation" over the welfare of innocent children.
And during fiscal year 2011/2012, Penn State alumni donated the second highest amount they ever have. Way to support your corrupt alma mater, douchebags.
Sure, punish coaches who weren't employed there when it happened, kids who were merely twinkles in their parents' eyes when it happened. Take away those scholarships...perhaps the only way some of those kids get to college. Punish the current students who only want to cheer on their team. Doesn't matter that no one them had a damn thing to do with it all. They wear the same name on their shirts!
Pretty much actually. I know it sounds extreme, but the testimonies are sickening, and that whole fucking place needs to burn. Everything. Clear it out, burn it down.
Meh - if they are good they'll get scholarship offers elsewhere. In the meanwhile, that's SOP of for college football. Or should the guys playing for USC not be bowl eligible last year because of something a guy did when most of them weren't even at the school yet? And that was just taking money to LEAVE the school. Same issue with OSU. As far as the SEC, I'm positive its just because the level of corruption there goes so deep that they can't get anyone to testify. LOL. Regardless, Penn State should get the death penalty for its football program. The reputation of the football program allowed kids to get raped. That's far beyond anything at any other school, ever, and yes, it was explicitly about football, and how much it meant to the college. Penn State was literally built around the football program. Without it, it wouldn't have been a major college, and the town would be half the size.
Yes, fuck everyone at Penn State. We need to nuke that place from orbit. It's the only way to be sure. Still admires Paterno?
And all the big wigs at Penn State who got axed over this fiasco are still getting a check. This is just like the Catholic Church and the pedophile priests. They don't give a damn about the people they're supposed to be serving, they just care about keeping the money rolling in. The program needs to be wiped out, and if they can demonstrate in a decade or so that they've got their shit together, then maybe, maybe, they can be allowed back in.
As soon as the government stepped in with guaranteed student loans, etc., and said "No matter how much this costs we'll pay for it" higher education became corrupt.
Its worse than you think. (bolding mine) As the article points out, had Penn State been subject to the Open Records Laws, there's the possibility that the media would have gotten wind of the sexual abuse far sooner than they did. Fuck Penn State.
I think lawmakers would have to be very careful about open records laws at a school. I can think of ways it would/could be abused.