Albert appears to be in a rage today. Even more than usual. In fine Wordforge tradition, I think we should treat this as a heaven sent gift and use it for our own amusement. Never let it be said that Phantom will let an excuse for a DST pass by. So the goal here is to goad him into negging you. Matador clothing is optional. If you need a cape and/or a cattle prod, they are available for a nominal rental fee. He who comes away from the thread with the most negs, wins! ---- So, Albert, isn't that feud between Garamet and Kirk awesome reading? (waves cape)
Goad him? You'd have to stun-gun him to make him STOP carrying on like a spoiled child. Anyway, he's got me on Ignore, which has endless possibilities.
Goad him?? Totally unneccessary. But do you have some insight about todays level of outrage? I don't know why I was negged but then he mighta stubbed his toe and it was ON!!!!!
He's been "inconvienienced" in some way and has to task it out on everybody. Either that or Mrs A has him sleeping on the couch again.
See, now that's the downside of meeting 'Forgers in real life. Makes it easier for them to detect your fiendish plans.
he's already negged me today. Had it been for one of the posts about the Mexican with TB, I could've understood it, but I really don't understand why he thinks 8 year olds shouldn't be upset because adults ignore the fact that they've recently lost a parent.
I think he couldn't find the underwear he was wearing all week this morning and had to put on some clean ones.
Albert doesn't deal well with death, no matter whose. There's obviously some deep, dark secret there. Or he's just an all-purpose asshole. It could go either way.
I believe it is because he got toasted in his beloved Jeep Wrangler at a stop light by a Chevette full of illegal Mexicans. And then a cop pulled him over and ticketed him for drag racing.
I think he would have been more sensitive if you had told him how your fender/bender actually bent your fender and the creep left the scene of the bending without herewith whatfor.
Hello Albert, how are you today? (What? I've seen him freak the fuck out like a bi-polar meerkat on speed for a whole lot less.)
^^^^^^^^^com'on, you can't just say UA wears dresses, he wears gowns with lots of sequins. Then he tells Mrs. A, " This is the way you should swish!"