Read more: Wow. Just... wow.
And the bitch doesn't think she should have to give the money back? Most of it is spent, of course. Maybe she can work it off in prison. Do you get prison for making false accusations that get someone locked up and ruin their life?
Rip the truth from her brain with a Mind Sifter, tape it, then crank it up to "vegetable", and let her mom wipe her ass the rest of her body's life. ...what? We don't have Mind Sifters? Fuckin' Steve just had to take alternative medicine for your cancer....
Agree, bitch should do the same amount of time he did. Sadly, the six years he spent might have stopped him from realizing his dreams, because the window for athletes is pretty narrow. So fuck her...give her 20 years.
If she lied and put a man in prison for six years--forever lowering the trajectory of his life--she should get much, much worse. What this case makes me wonder is: is the burden of proof for rape too low? He says "consensual," she says "rape." There's got to be more to it than that.
I think this is why Britain passed a law some years ago stating that if both parties were intoxicated they would not convict. Rape is one of those "He said, she said" things and short of their being some videotped evidence, there are seldom any witnesses. On a tangent, there's another problem with our judicial system: this whole idea of taking plea bargains because people just want a lazy out and not look for the actual truth of what happened. And now, exonerated or not, he's lost six years of his life, and it takes forever for a conviction to get erased from your record, so good luck getting a job in this sconomy.
This guy has a gentle soul. She actually met with him in person, admitted she fucked his life for money, and he didn't even strangle her to death and piss on her corpse.
She filed a false police report. Possibly perjured herself if she ever testified. That's not 10 years in prison though. You can, however, be sued...say for 1.5 million dollars.
Now she needs to go to jail for a long time for conspiracy to commit fraud, perjury, you name it. Everything they can throw at her.
While she deserves a massive punishment, I'm not sure I'm comfortable with anyone who actually seems to think that her getting raped would be an appropriate response (which is where you seem to be going with that)
If it were me I would have immediately went back to prison after choking every ounce of life out of the miserable scheming cunt.
And how about everyone he knew who wouldn't believe him? I'd like to think everyone close to me knows better, but damn.
Yeah, really, if I get accused of some crime that's impossible for me to commit, and you assholes believe it....expect me to be both betrayed, and bitter. There's just no escaping that.
And the people who didn't lose all faith in you...holy shit. Best be ready to take a bullet for those mugs.
Ya, gut reaction post. I do think her life should be destroyed in the same way his was. The consequences for lying like that needs to be so severe (life in prison) so people don't do that again.
Women like her piss me off to no end. Real, legitimate rapists get off scot free or given some ridiculously low bullshit sentence with far more evidence than this case evidently had. Un-fucking-believable.