And being offended on someone's behalf is only OK when it comes to your faux concern for women's sports or your crocodile tears over the sanctity of toilets.
No, I'm speculating that Crosis is built like the unholy love child of the Michelin and Sta-Puft Marshmallow men.
Bigotry spreads like a disease. Teenager stabbed in transphobic attack by gang of youths outside Harrow roller blades disco The victim suffered nine knife wounds and was subjected to transphobic slurs Source:
No, you lying fuckstain. The stabbing is enough. Bury them under the prison. It does not matter what they said.
Ah, yes, you're gonna ride that whole "incitement doesn't exist; everyone's an island" bullshit all the way over the falls and into the rocks. Very noble; very heroic.
"Mirrors" as in you are willing to exaggerate and distort it into something more than being insensitive.
Mmm, yes you do. You fantasize about the opportunity to attack people legally. You stand for it, you just don't want the consequences of it.
Free speech is not violence, no matter how many deluded authoritarian fucktards try to float that turd to silence dissent. Imprisoning them for the stabbing is enough.
Mmm, yes speech CAN be violent. They're are laws about that. You advocate and mirror the exact opinions of these people.
No, I do not advocate stabbing people, and words are not violence. Libel, slander an incitement have very specific terms that are not satisfied by "I am offended."