"Pet cause" is lifting a cargo container full of anvils. For a paranoid that tries to cut off the ring, you sure do like your own wiggle room phrases.
There's an interview with Jamie Farr available on Youtube where he discusses how he got the role and how it evolved. Originally the character was a one off and he was hired as day player. The original idea was for him to be a flamboyant gay character, but after watching the rushes, the producers didn't like the result. So they called Farr back for another go. As he put it, he was a day player and he played it the way they wanted it the first time and since they were going to pay him for the second go-round he was happy to give it another go. He suggested that it would be funnier if Klinger was straight, but dressed in drag in an effort to get his Section 8. The producers liked the new approach and he milked the gag until Colonel Potter came in and called "horse hockey" on Klinger's scam.
Yep, I remember watching that interview. Jamie Farr did such a wonderful job, and I'm glad he managed to finagle his way into the series as a regular. It wouldn't have been the same without Klinger. That said, one of the good things about Klinger is that even though Colonel Potter called him out on wearing drag as a dodge to get out of the Army, he supported him in every other way. I like how they normalized Klinger's predilection for women's fashion, too, like you could see him moving back to Toledo and opening up a dress shop of some kind. MASH was really good for calling out imperialism and social conservatism. They had an episode with a soldier who was gay, where Frank Burns and Margaret wanted to report him for deviancy, while Trapper and Hawkeye wanted to know why it was anyone's business but that soldier's. They didn't treat it as mental illness, and this was being filmed back in the 1970s. I consider that quite progressive for the era.
I figure he's just lashing out from the frustration of his own failings and dashed expectations. It's clearly killing him that people he thinks he should be able to look down upon are happier and more successful than he is.
"The system failed you" sounds a lot like code for "I made irresponsible choices under the assumption that I would be bailed out of the consequences."
Doing just fine. Thanks for the concern. I'm not looking up, down, or sideways at you unless you approach with your hand out.
Going grammar nazi when you've got nothing else just confirms my suspicion. You were advancing more "society is a failure until I am immune to the consequences of my choices" nonsense.
Yes, Wall Street and Silicone valley are on the coasts. You think the state I live in somehow reflects my level of personal responsibility?