steve's daughter depends on pepper spray? It better be law-enforcement grade. The type you buy in Walmart or Academy Sports or wherever is a joke.
Meh. Straight ammonia in a small spray bottle or even hairspray in the rapist's eyes is just as effective. (Based on @T.R 's post, it seems some of you don't understand that a rapist has to be in actual contact with his victim in order to do the deed.)
Yeah, and we all know we likely wouldn't be convicted of the attack anyway and most of the same people propping this example will call bullshit the next time a hometown hero gets accused of harrassment or 80 women will get called attention whoring golddiggers when another serial rapist celeb gets outed. If you want guns, just say so, but the gun lubbin' slut shamers and victim bashers can go fuck off about "protecting women."
....damn, son! What a sick burn! 3/10. I added five points for not using a "garamet iz old hurr" joke.
Wow. According to a member who used to post here who lives in Florida: 1. The bill passed in Florida doesn’t outlaw possession under 21. 2. The bill passed in Florida doesn’t outlaw private sales or gifting. 3. The bill passed in Florida only bans sales through an FFL. Florida DID SOMETHING! They made sure that the only legal avenues for those under 21 to buy guns are - get this - without a background check!
So then why are you and the NRA having screaming fits? Looks like someone's afraid the mental health provision might spread to ND.
Incidentally, in case anyone's interested in the actual text of the bill (now law; SHRERPL can't even get that right) instead of SHRERPL's fake news: Perhaps SHRERPL can show us where in the text his "someone who used to post here" got their disinformation.
I'm so relieved, I can give my poor defenseless daughter a gun instead of making her buy one at walmart. (assuming she's 18 and we're in FL). Forbin, go fuck yourself ya whiny bitch.
Question: Is your pee pee so small that you need to compensate by stroking a firearm? Just wondering.
WTF Anna?? My post was clearly FOR young women defending themselves against rapists. How does it translate to slut-shaming or victim bashing?? Huh???
Better question: Is Florida so unsafe and full of rapists that all 18-year-old women need to be armed? If so, you have waaaaaaay bigger problems. You people are so fucked in the head. It's not even amusing any longer. Your grip on reality is so far gone that you can't even ask the right questions. Really, you all have some kind of psychosis. I'd recommend intense therapy. Except for @Captain X. The only thing that's going to help him is an accident while he's stroking one of his guns.
He just has a hate-boner for guns. Same thing with Anna. Doesn't matter what you're actually saying. Kind of like how saying you think someone should be able to have one just in case translates to having some constant need or it (e.g. Florida being "so full of potential rapists). It's why they ignore the fire extinguisher analogy because it handily undermines their argument.
You expressed concern that 18yo women couldn't get guns in FL. I think you're afraid. How many guns do you own?
Do you enjoy walking around with the permanent taste of shit in your mouth? 'Cause you're definitely full of fit, fuckballs.
Carrying some items is illegal in some states. If memory serves, Nick once told me that carrying OC or a collapsible baton were illegal in Michigan. Even restraints can be illegal in some States. A Pinellas County, Florida Sheriff's Deputy once told me that civilian possession of handcuffs, or even a handcuff key, was a misdemeanor. So, all you kinky folks better be careful.
Such a sad thing all around. 17 kids dead, dozens of people's lives shattered, and this guy is going to be a Grade A social pariah. Really tragic.
In fairness, when they're under stress, people react weirdly. I'll spare you the details, but I've told a story a few times over the years. Long story short, to this day an officer insists that he said, "I'm being shot at" over the radio, but the recording clearly has him saying, "I've been shot." With all that was going on, there was a disconnect somewhere between his mouth and his brain. That could have happened here, or he could be lying through his teeth.
why does she need a gun for any reason? Only cops & criminals should have guns anyway, right? If your wet dream comes true and Forbin & everyone else who is a "threat to life & limb" because they own guns has them confiscated, everyone's daughter will live in a gun free utopia. I predict a 99 percent drop in the murder rate within the first 30 seconds of a total gun ban/confiscation. With 300 million guns in circulation & millions more worldwide just waiting to be smuggled in it should work like gang-busters!
This is the case I was thinking of:
hard to say (no pun intended) since I DON'T OWN A GUN. I borrow my son's 9 when I need one for a specific mission. I brought this up before - if guns are a "penis symbol" why do 10 year old girls shoot guns? Big guns too, as in deer hunting guns. What are they compensating for? Sorry to disappoint but nobody sees my pee-pee except wives & girlfriends. And maybe if I take a drug test an observer might, but that's job related.
And another:
I agree, why does she need guns for any reason? Forbin hasn't expressed anything but paranoia. I like the way you think. Keep the suggestions coming.
I'm sorry she was raped at gunpoint. How would a gun have helped? As soon as a guy gets near, draw? After he's exposed his weapon or before? You're not very convincing, except that you're afraid of rape.
I should've been more clear that this wasn't aimed directly towards you, and more of the double standards in society pretending to care about rape survivors as long as they're the "right kind" of victim. As @We Are Borg pointed out, if we're needing to arm all women to prevent attacks, we've got way bigger issues. At any event, the vast majority of attacks never make it past the reporting stage and 80 percent happen between acquaintances. In the cases of typical frat boy liquoring up (with or without roofies), a gun is useless for the victim. And why go through the hassle of a break in when they can give her half a beer and the jury will side with him because she was drunk and what else did she expect? TLDR: you scenario is the exceedingly rare exception, if you do care about survivors and justice.