Sounds like it's Star Wars Prodigy.
Trailer. Could have sworn it was supposed to be animated. It's live-action. Set during Mandalorian, and before Ahsoka. Looks like Star Wars: Goonies.
It’s my understanding it was always live action. But, I did think it was going to be earlier in the timeline. Like, the kids had gone off on their adventure just prior to Order 66 and now they are on their own. But, Mandalorian era works good too.
pale and male, just like everyone in the universe except for leia in the original start wars. I can see the discussion now. Mr. Lucas, are there any black people in the whole galaxy fasr far away? Lucas: We'll get to him in the next movie, if white boi galaxy adventures takes off.
Yep. Poor middle-aged, gen X men must come to the sorrowful conclusion that all entertainment is no longer aimed at them. Sad.
Huh? Talk about totally overstating what I said. I don’t watch baby shark because it’s not aimed at me, does that mean I’m angry all content isn’t aimed at me as well?
I’m a little underwhelmed by the story so far. Kids find a spaceship, run into space pirates, a crazy droid that only answers to ‘the captain’ (regardless of who the captain is at the moment) then they get back home and … it’s back to the adults and “oh, honey, I’m so sorry. But happy you’re safe. I love you so much!” Seriously? I expected a lot more with space pirates and adventurous kids. I suppose they were so focused on not rewriting Explorers, they rewrote my boring childhood.
After watching the first few episodes, it seems like the premise is there's this nice middle-class planet that's good at keeping out people who don't live there, and a bunch of dirty criminals who don't live there want to get in and take their stuff that they didn't earn, so, no wokeness there unless they're eventually allowed to move in and make things shitty. On the other hand, there's this family of blue elephant people who live there and everyone treats them like they're ordinary people. That seems pretty woke.
Yeah I had to turn it off about halfway through the first episode This is a Star Wars show that is geared towards and for children
It is. This is the first one my kid has been remotely interested in though. So he and I are watching.
caught the finale... kind of a let down. Not sure what I was hoping for, but this wasn't it. "Caravan of Courage/Battle of Endor" for Gen Alpha (Jude Law is the same age as Wilford Brimley was when the latter was made :O )
I liked it, but then I went into it expecting a Goonies level type of Star Wars series and I wasn't disappointed. Neel was adorable, and I'd kill everyone in this room to protect him.
yeah, the Goonies parallel was fine. Just they really failed to tie it into the starwars universe in any meaningful way, and in some ways completely skipped the aesthetic (the roads on At Attin, for instance.).
I finally finished this because I was hearing good things about it. I don't know what crack those people were smoking. This was an eight episode fetch quest with Jude Law as a huge mustache twirling villain. I really wish I had left thjis show after the first episode like I was planning. I will say it was better than "The Acolyte", but that's not saying much.
Oh, definitely they took shortcuts, I assume for budget purposes. After The Acolyte (whether fairly or unfairly maligned), Disney seems a little more cautious what they put into a series, and since this was primarily for kids (or the kid in all of us), they weren't going to throw gobs of money at it like before. That said, I had a blast, and my suspension of belief was solid enough to let the little things slide. Plus, I am a longtime fan of The Goonies, and I was going to forgive a lot.
I mean, I generally love the hodgepodge of design in SW. But retro futuring MCM neighbourhoods was lazy. and they half assed it at that. I appreciate they wanted it to be bottleable and not a huge investment commitment. I just wish they'd given at least one of them Force sensitivity hints or have teh owl lady say something cryptic, then get a quick cameo hint of Luke's school drafting the first class. Maybe R2 shows up? Spin off into jedi academy series with deep fake Luke. I think it was a HUGE mistake not getting a Hondo cameo at the pirate station. Probably a few more softballs they could've done to suck in parents as well as kids. Jude Law is bankable as an ongoing antagonist and the kids will still be kids for a few more years