If Obama makes even one appearance in Georgia to support Martin, I think it may deliver Martin victory. That being said, I don't know if Obama would have the time to make such an appearance or would want to.
Republicans probably don't particularly mind losing this one...they won't be put in the place of having to take up the issue of Ted Stevens.
One good thing about Obama being elected President, is it did effectively get a career politician like Biden out of the Senate.
The Begich lead is now up to 814 votes, with pretty much only Begich friendly portions of the state left to count. If Begich picks up another 800 or so votes in the 38,000 remaining to be counted, which is likely, there won't even be a recount.
There's a recount if the margin is less than .5%. I think a candidate can request a recount at a higher margin if he pays for the recount, but I'm not sure about that. Anyway, .5% of the votes cast is a little over 1400 votes. Begich really needs to pick up only about 600 more votes to prevent a recount. In any event, recounts are unlikely to change the results by even as much as .1%, much less .5%. The Minnesota race is in the range where a recount is critical, under .01% difference; the Alaska race, not so much so if the remaining votes lean Begich, as expected.
Check out this Runoff election ad for Saxby Chambliss... Listen to the music in the background.... [YT="Saxby Chambliss Ad"]IhyedUhPxwU[/YT] Is he serious? Is... like... Megatron going to destroy the All Spark or something?
No sir. That was decided by the voters. The courts, the Supreme Court, prevented the Democrats from stealing an election. The Florida Supreme Court (all Democrats BTW) told the Democrats that they could do what they wanted regarding the recount even though state law forbid what they wanted to do. The Supreme Court nicely told the Florida Court to take a second look at their ruling. When the Florida Court ignored them the Supreme Court stepped in a second time and slapped them upside their heads.
Personally if I was in charge of the RNC I'd be crossing my fingers that all four seats go Democrat. Remember we need them to have 60 votes.
Chambliss looks to be pretty safe to me, even the Daily Kos tracking poll has him enjoying a nice little lead over Martin.
No one has any idea how the Georgia election will really go. Off date elections are all about turnout, and their are factors leaning both ways on turnout:
There are lots of outstanding races s till. even Tom McCalintock hasn't won his race yet...and it's another where the votes left to be counted suggest a decent chance at a Democratic victory.
Does all of the above stuff mean a Democratic/independ senate head count of 59 without Lieberman, if the Dems end up winning the very close ones?
If Democrats somehow prevail in Alaska (which now seems nearly certain), Minnesota (which I'd say is quite likely), and Georgia (the longest shot), then yes, Lieberman would be the 60th.
Cool. Thanks! Well, so the Democrats could decide to let Lieberman causus with them after all. Wonder how many hookers they're gonna have to get for him?
I thought they were going to be stripping Lieberman of his chairman position because of his having supported McCain?
Obama threw some cold water on that. It still may happen, but whereas on Nov 5 that was certain, now who knows. The rationale is once Iraq is over then the thing that drove Lieberman and the caucus apart won't be there anymore.
I think that Traitor Joe should be releived of his chairmanships on all committees where his views conflict with party positions. This includes the Homeland Security Committee. If he bolts and goes Republican, that's fine. His constiuents will vote him out in the next election anyway.
Funny that's what the Democrats hoped for in his last re-election bid as well. He successfully ran as an independent and successfully won against his Democratic opponent. Any other predictions don't hesitate to post them Alpha.
It wasn't just Democrats who elected Mel Carnahan, EP. It was the voters of Missouri. And it's not the Democrats' fault that the Republican candidate sucked so much that the voters picked a dead guy instead.
Wow you must not really pay attention to anything..... How did you miss him bolting from the Democrat party, running as an independent, being smeared by the Democrats, yet still winning his state? If Lieberman is the 60th vote I predict he will not lose any chairmanship. Sure they can use the weak in the knees northeastern Republicans to break the filibuster but his vote may become critical on certain issues where even those weak northeastern Republicans suddenly pretend to have a spine.
If they get Arlen Specter to switch parties (which he should probably do if he wants to retain his seat), Lieberman's irrelevant (if they win in Georgia, of course).
Haven't heard about Specter. What's up with that? If so he's another one that can go die in a fire. Hell he should feel free right now to douse himself in gasoline and set himself on fire. He's already a scumbag. Turning Democrat would be redundant.
I think if they need his vote to break vetoes they should suck his balls and lick his asshole. And not just around the rim. They should stick their tongue right up in there. But personally I hope they ostracize him and he jumps to the GOP. Then I hope the Dims do everything they want to do and get stomped senseless in the off-year elections, making Barack a Lame Duck early into his term.
Knock another one off the list: Alaska's called for Begich. And the margin is 3724 with the votes almost all counted, well outside the margin (approximately 1,600) under which a recount would be paid for by the state.
So now it all comes down to Georgia, which it looks like both sides are sending out the big guns. While it'll be hard for any Dem to win GA even in this environment, Chambliss had his own McCain moment.
http://minnesotaindependent.com/18605/us-senate-recount-will-the-courts-ultimately-decide-the-victor So much for Franken making a come back in the recount.