No shit. There was a meme going around a while back that ran something like this: Girls in high school theater: "I've been taking dance lessons since I was 3 and professional voice lessons since I was 5 and I'm so excited to be playing Third Villager from the Left in the spring musical!" Guys in high school theater: "The drama teacher cornered me after Algebra and told me I had to be Shrek." In educational or community theater, if you're a guy who can memorize lines, carry a tune, and manage a simple dance combination without tripping over yourself, you're going to get offered a principle role in almost every show, and the ensemble for every show is going to contain at least a dozen women or girls who can sing and dance circles around you. It's not quite the same in professional theater, just because the on-stage jobs are so rare, but men trying to make a living at it have a much easier time regardless.