What a load of bullshit, from a woman writer, no less! Edit: I agree that feminists take it too far. I prefer more of an even ground between genders. Everyone with approximately the same chances. Also... is this a repost? I skimmed the front page but I didn't really look.
Yeah I don't really agree with much in that article. Total horseshit is the phrase that comes to mind. I think the losers she's referring to in her abortion of an article are a tiny percentage of the modern day man, yet she tries to pass them off as a larger chunk of the population than they actually are and surmises that women should change just because of a few of those dickless wonders. It's ridiculous. The guys I know welcome and appreciate this sense of equality that exists in relationships now between men and women, myself included. We don't feel threatened or undermined, in fact just the opposite - I see opportunity and ability to enjoy life more.
FOXNews -! Two things: Tim Allen: "Men are pigs. Too bad we own everything." and
Hell, I feel relieved! I love the idea that, in a relationship, I can be proactive, or she can be proactive, and it's not anything out of the ordinary.
Agreed. I wanted, and got, a partner and equal. Some men still desire and some women choose to be June Cleaver. I know more than a few and there's nothing wrong with that. But, that's not what I wanted.
I pray every night to get an 80hr a week high stress job so that my wife can stay at home and 'be a woman' and I won't be forced to interact with my children in any meaningful way.
Along similar lines, I came across a movie reviewer's experience when the crazy rich guy who bought his paper got upset about the war on men. An excerpt follows. The whole piece is at:
I'm so glad there's finally someone who's willing to stand up for the privileged. Our lives are just so damned hard.
I can't argue with what the others have said -- my wife is my partner and I like it that way. Since we aren't even getting any trolls in here to act indignant about feminism, maybe we can bring more debate by tweaking things a bit. I perceive among some women, mostly in their 40s and divorced, an aggressive stance against men. It's not that they don't value us, but that they see nothing wrong with public belittling of the Y chromosome. It's a bit like the other side of the 60s chauvinism depicted in Mad Men. I generally just ignore this when I come across it, but sometimes I just want to say, "fuck you bitter old hag, your marriage probably didn't last because you're a bitch, not because your ex was an idiot." Is it just me, or do other people know such women? Discuss!
She's just like that as an excuse to be lazy and fat at home. What an unproductive member of society that whore is.
The most oppressed race/gender whatever is the middle class working white male. Everything is blamed on him from birth.
Be honest, you know its the truth. What other race or gender gets blamed for things that happened before they were born?
Fucking faggots are ruining the country and we are damned to repeat a history we don't read about and take heed of. Look at Rome, for goods sake. It ended in faggotry and not enough real men left to stand up and fight for the country.