Telling me when to stop and go on roads that my tax dollars paid for? It's a clear example of government overreach. Fuck traffic lights and stop signs. I'll stop when I want to stop. I wear a mask in public though, because I'm not an entitled, selfish piece of shit.
is that dopey little man bitch still riding his bike on sidewalks? did he at least finally lose the training wheels?
I have invoked this example SO many times with Covidiots on Facebook pages. "You need to wear a mask" "I refuse! Nobody controls me! I do what I want!" "Bullshit, both the government and private businesses control you every day and you comply." "Not me! I got mah liberty!" "Oh? Prove it. Go out and get in your truck and drive 120 MPH on the left side of the road without stopping at red lights and go into Walmart naked and take a piss on the service desk. let us know how all that liberty works out for you."