Machiavallians don't like techies. Techies are utopian, even though it's a sick utopia. Machivallians are seething cynics.
I could argue that Machiavelli really wasn't Machiavellian. He advocated all sorts of things that we can say are immortal, but it was all in the name of the greater good of the Prince's subjects, not for self-enrichment. He also advocated complete self-awareness on the part of The Prince. Whatever reservations one may have about Machiavelli's approach to governance, I think we can agree that concern for the greater good and self-awareness are not present in our co-presidents.
"We are" a country that elected an aspiring Ceaser who has already brought to heel an entire political party and the whole oligarchy. I don't think that people who say "this is not who we are" at all understand WHAT we are.
It's totally cool that most of the US government, in some form or fashion, is either outright declaring their white nationalism, or implicitly endorsing it. It's really awesome that the US president is a promoter of white nationalism, that Nazism will seem like a guideline for the administration going forward. Cool cool cool. /s
Seriously, it's tone deaf as fuck. The Village People have been icons for the gay movement since the 1970s, and here they go playing for a fascist that has every intention of making LGBTQ+ people's lives difficult as hell. The Weather Girls wouldn't stand for this shit.
One of the happiest pop culture moments of my life was when Bruce Springsteen told Reagan to knock it the fuck off with trying to co-opt "Born In The USA".
Yeah, that was awesome as hell. I love it when rock stars tell these clueless assholes that they're the antagonist in these songs.
"Sorry, marginalized people, there's money to be made." - Coca Cola CEO Seriously, though, Coke has been involved in some major human rights violations, including child labor and abuse, so fuck 'em anyway.