Yes, I was going to make this point myself. An advocacy group, for any cause, inflates their numbers in this way. Figure probably about 1/3 of the given number is about right.
No, no, no... we've got to go all the way and accept everyone into a paradigm that requires somewhat solid thinking and the ability to understand what's what. Why stop with people who hate their own pee-pees? Let's take in convicted pedophiles... or... or people who think cum is a nasal decongestant. The skies the limit. Everyone on the big green band wagon because Obama goddamned said so. Or fuck posse comitatus, let's use the military to seperate the wheat from the chaff and execute every known Democrat. Let's declare martial fucking law. Point a loaded weapon at the head of every Democrat and ask what they think of trannies in the military or gay marriage or taxing the rich. You'll get some goddamned straight answers then.
A trans person who wants SRS in the military has to visit a psychiatrist who has to assess they are under no mental duress that prevents them from thinking clearly about the decision and preventing it from being an informed and rational medical choice. It is estimated that 43% of active duty members are binge drinkers - 67% of those were between 17-25. How much would binge drinking cost the US military? Why are you willing to allow that sort of mentally challenged behavior in the military?
Why do discussions that start with "how about we just not bigot at people?", always seem to end up at "cum gargle orgies!!! Horse fucking!!! Martial law!! ARRRGGH!! "??? If society is so fucking fragile, and needs gluing together with such constipated rigid codes...then howcome the fucking Vatican is so fucked up? You'd think they'd be a utopia, instead of the haven for rapists that they are. Hey, come to think of it, every society that hates women, and hates effeminate traits in anybody is a miserable joyless garbage fire. The middle-east springs readily to mind. Why, it's almost as if sexual insecurity is a bunch of pathetic bullshit. Nah, couldn't be.
Have to agree with this. I once saw a gay guy claim 20% of the population was gay which is undoubtedly a vast over inflation of the true number.
They are college age. At least the statistic you quoted said they were about college age. So all they are doing is what is typical of their peer group. That isn't a mental illness though it is, of course, a risky behavior. Something else typical of young people.
Whether or not you believe that the risky behavior is normal, it still costs the military much more that SRS does.
If we look, Professor Sexbot, I bet we could find an occasion where you have had four or more drinks in one night. I would not call that you being mentally ill though it would qualify as "binge drinking". Yes, binge drinking probably is a risky behavior depending upon how we define it especially since it can lead to things likek unprotected sex or people doing things they otherwise would not but, yes, I would call experimenting and trying new things out part of typical young adult behavior. In total aggregate cost you may have a point; on per unit cost you are not even in the same ball park. Not to mention one is an easy fix low hanging fruit while the other would have to redefine what is acceptable behavior among young adults and so would be orders of magnitude more difficult to achieve.
Plus, "National Center for Transgender Equality" sound suspiciously like 5 or 6 cross dressers sitting around in a rented apartment stuffing envelopes.
True about binge-drinking (or heavy drinking in general) in the military! So yes, years of heavy drinking probably does cost many millions in health problems indirectly or directly caused by drinking over the lifetime of these members, especially considering military retirees (like myself) will get nearly-free medical for life! Guarantee the "trans total" is a drop-in-the-bucket compared to that. As for M. Bison's comment 2/3 of the young people these days can't join the military because of not having a clean enough criminal record, they are too fat, or don't meet the academic/aptitude test standards. Any one of these failings means look for employment somewhere else than the military Ain't that some wild shit? But it's true.
The weird eat their own. I sense a slap fight coming.
I should also add that we already tried prohibition and it was a dismal failure by any measurement as any moron with a kitchen or bathroom can make beer or hooch. Much better, from a public health standpoint, to legalize it, tax it, and regulate it as any other industrial business.
So wait. Some homo misrepresents himself online, then sexually assaults someone in a motel room? Totally justified self-defense.
Again, not relevant to the point, as I did not serve in the military. I'd say a hangover is far more likely to affect the performance of your duties than afterglow. We're being told that this is a cost issue, so that's exactly the point. On this, we can agree. It's indeed low hanging fruit and Trump is using it to pander to his base and/or distract from other issues.
Including reservists, the US military is about 2 million people strong. Trans people make up about 0.03% of the population. If those numbers are reflected in the military, there are 60,000 trans people in the military. The actual number is probably lower. Average cost of SRS is a little under $13,000. Not everyone wants SRS, but let's say they did. 60,000 want $13,000 worth of surgery, that comes to... $780 million. The cost of about 25 and-a-half hours of the Iraq war. Worst case scenario here. More realistically: After a quick Google search says there's an estimated 15,000 trans people in the military. Let's say half want SRS right now. that would be $97.5 million. The costs of everything else: hormone treatment, counseling, "we have trans people now, don't be a dick" training for the rest of the military... probably doesn't even come close to that first number I came up with, which was still a drop in the bucket. In closing, Trump is full of shit. Thank you for your time. Also, math in the Red Room, bitches! Do something!
Yeah, it's not about cost to the taxpayer, they don't give a shit about that. This is about control. They want the LGBT community pushed back into marginalization. They want women back on the wayside. This is about wealthy men wanting things the way they used to be, in a society that isn't just laying down and letting it happen, and so they're going to get more assertive. They will lie, they will use the force of law, and maybe they'll even end up winning, because humans can be overloaded with information, their perceptions can be skewed with the right propaganda. It will be one hell of a fight, though. Also, fuck Trump. Fuck Mitch McConnell, fuck the GOP who go along with this, and fuck the current congress for being a bunch of shiftless lazy fucks who get paid to fuck over millions of people while pretending to give a shit.
The real reason the right does not want trans or gays in the military is they giving blind respect to military people. If trans people were in the military then the right would have to salute one. I hat is really disgusting is they would salute rapists in the military because the women deserve it. They would also salute trump who used his wealth to avoid serving five times. They would salute Ted Nugent who shit himself to avoid serving, but a character like max Klinger is horrible. The right wing are all about things like blind right aspect because they know there is no other respect they can earn giving n how deplorable they are. This thread show a number of them for who they are.