THAT, sir, was not - and I specifically told you then was not - surgical in any way. that is accomplished via medication, not - as you derisively continue to say, "mutilation" (i.e. surgery)
the overall rate of all surviving trans persons as reported by the major studies is about 41% - this of course does not include successful attempts in which you can only assume an even distribution of success rate and that will get you over 50% Other studies conclude that this rate falls, in post transition subjects, to a rate something on the order of twice that found in the general population (I'd have to check some of my links for exact numbers, but the genpop figure is well under 5%) So what the Pharisees do is emphasize that - "OMG a trans person is twice as likely to attempt suicide therefore treating these people with transition is EEEEVIL!!!" - and then in some other place maybe cite the 40% and leave you to assume that the 40% is the same stat (post transition people) as the former one when it is not. the upshot is that the rate between transitioned and transitioned drops by a factor of around 10 - but it's still elevated, researchers believe this is because of the price we pay to transition in terms of loss of family, home, career, etc
my perception is fine. And it says basically what others are telling you it says, that GD is basically a a reaction provoked by being trans - and that the treatment for it is transition (if it is severe enough) which is what I've been saying all along. You should read the whole thing before isolating an out of context quote to try to win an argument
the delay actually came earlier, but he was also the one who told the House Pharisees to piss off with their idea of forbidding the medical care. I'm willing to assume he had a good practical reason for the delay announcement.
GD? it's a condition, like depression. But being trans and having a GD reaction are separate phenomena. Again, let's say you are horribly injured and react to this by becoming depressed - the injury and the resulting depression are separate conditions. The great majority of the people who cite the presence of GD in the DSM say "see! Beng Trans is a mental condition" - and in this claim, they err or they lie. ETA - "condition" as opposed to a "disorder" because the latter implies a flaw in function
Right-wing tool celebrates Trump's ban, reveals self as spineless coward and implies soldiers are too - even though he tries to pull it back at the end: Yeah, "real men" who are freaked by whether someone may or may not have a dick in their pants, as opposed to Commies or Muslims.
You know, aside from telling those people that they're worthless and somehow untrustworthy or something. Cue WF racists claiming "well those people..."
genetics is some wild shit! It turns out all redheads in the world can be traced back to one single episode of a genetic defect.
ya know how people say "intersex people are very rare" Not as rare, statistically, as natural redheads.
I think what - 2 percent of the world is a natural redhead? I don't know the percentage of "intersex" people but I wouldn't think it would be much higher.
And virtually all of the size difference between a chihuahua and a Great Dane is down to a single letter change in the doggy DNA.
thing is, most people with an intersex condition live their whole life and never know it. It's a wide range of variations that fall under that term.
I don't think I have a problem with this. If you can't figure out if you are a man or a woman, can you truly figure out if you want to defend the country? Can we not have a little bit of control about who you are and what you are and what you want to do?
then again some people (many people) approach joining the military as just a well paying, dependable, safe job that has nothing to do with who they are or what they believe in. If you take the military too seriously it can drive you crazy!
look, people do not choose treatment for their condition which, in the current culture, puts one at risk of quite literally losing everything else in their life that is important to them because they "haven't figured out" the situation. No one you will ever me has so deeply and thoroughly "figured out" themselves as a transitioned trans person. (on average, there's a fringe exception to any deceleration)
I doubt that. It is more than likely a selective process for naturally occuring genetic variation with in the population of canines as a whole and it is certainly more than one gene much less one change to the base DNA code. You'll note I said "virtually all" - there's a spectrum of course as there is in humans but this one gene variant contributes about 90% of the phenotypic effect and that is down to about 20 SNPs, with a single one of those again having a major effect. FYI I work in genomics.