I thought "Gunforge" would find this interesting: [YT="Illegal Detainment"]jfdEbe7e9GE[/YT] I know quite a few people here carry...anything like this ever happened to a WFer and what did you do? If it never has, do you feel prepared to be able to do what this gentleman did?
Some states have open carry. Most don't. "Open carriers" in California, for example, have to carry unloaded. TN doesn't have "open carry." It has "carry." Carry openly, you're gonna have to show your permit, a lot.
Idaho has open carry, and most people in Idaho know about it. I encounter people on the greenbelt, in campgrounds, and other 'outdoorsy' kind of places all the time with weapons on their hip. I flash them a grin, a nod, and go my merry way. I carry concealed: they may guess, but not know that I'm wearing a .45 1911 with laser sights that they can't be sure is there. While I advocate open carry for those who wish to do so, I prefer stealth carry. Y'all will never know what's under my kilt: my big dick, a big knife, a .45, or all three. Caveat Emptor, motherfuckers. Having watched that video, BZ to the dude. Nothing a cop hates more than a citizen who knows the law better than the cop obviously does, or in this case, as well as, since once confronted with the facts the cop reluctantly conceded. IF EVERY AMERICAN CITIZEN BEHAVED TEH SAME WAY 100% OF THE TIME AND REFUSED TO BACK DOWN AS THIS GUY DID, TYRANNY WOULD BE ALL BUT DEAD IN THIS COUNTRY.
That would take a lot of guts, and a lot of knowledge of what the law says. And I notice that, contrary to what has been said, the cop did not back down. It wasn't until his supervisor showed up and overruled him that the guy was free to go. With this all over the internet, I bet that cop got some serious talking to by his superiors...
I hate that Americans actually pronounce the "v." as "vee" in court cases, when the rest of the civilized world actually uses the proper terminology, "versus". It just doesn't sound right...
I used to feel that way, but now whenever I hear "versus" I think of a sporting event. "vee" seems less sporty to me, and thus more appropriate for legal crap. But really, I don't care that much either way.
The proper response to someone calling and complaining about someone carrying a gun should have been, "Is he doing anything threatening, or illegal? If no, then we can't do anything about it because carrying a gun is not illegal." If the cops can't figure that out, they deserve to be mocked all over the internet.
I wonder if there are some anti-gun weenies who go around calling in open-carriers just to make some imagined point.
In the state of Florida if I am pulled over for a traffic voliation and I chose to tell the officer that I have a weapon he can ask to take posession of the firearm for his safety while conducting his investigation. In some states I may be required to notify the LEO upon being pulled over. Either way contact is only made because of another event (illegal U turn, failure to signal, etc..). In this case the guy is right. Where legal, IIRC open carry is not grounds for stopping some one. No crime has been comitted. In that case you do not have to provide ID. Only when a crime is being investigated do you have to produce ID (per the SCOTUS case from Texas a few years ago). On one hand the citizen may have been a bit harsh. On the other too many LEOs are not well educated on their states firearms laws. I would hope that this guy does contact that agency and works with them to ensure that they are well versed in the law so that others on both sides do not have to go through this. As an aside, When they were considering open carry in FL the Pinellas country Sheriff, among other CLEOs, stated that he would instruct his deupties to draw down on anyone caught open carrying. Yeah that would have worked out great. As for me, unless I'm camping, fishing, or hunting, I have no inclination to open carry if it were an option.
I guess he wanted a lot of his guys to die. Because if that were the case, walking around in groups of armed people would have been a legitimate form of protest.
wow - that guy did great at staying calm and articulate. whether i am in the right or not, cops make me nervy and jumpy.
Who can blame you. After years with Uncle Al, the weed smell must be permanently embedded in your hair.