It's more that people assume — probably correctly — that all that information is for sale already.
Meh ... in and of itself, this isn't bad. There probably are people filing requests for bodycam footage left and right, with the sole intention of...
(Also, the 12-year-olds bit sorta came out of nowhere.)
Yeah, that's the main takeaway here ... FF is so desperate to leap to the defense of his tribe, no matter what the topic, that he'll jump straight to...
There's probably a lot of YMMV there. I'll turn 45 this year. If I look back 15 years ... sure, I've learned some things and I also make more money...
That's pretty unusual, though, especially in younger woman/older man couples. And while I don't think we ever found out what caused her death, my...
And being offended on someone's behalf is only OK when it comes to your faux concern for women's sports or your crocodile tears over the sanctity of...
These are some really broad strokes, but overall, I think that when both people are between approximately 30 and 55, there are very few obstacles to...
I assume most of you have heard of Star Wars Minute, the podcast that launched a whole boatload of podcasts analyzing a movie one minute at a time....
Some of them look 18, officer!
We're gonna be seeing a lot of this from the Republicans and their apologists over the next four years. "If this shitty thing that we're doing isn't...
Pay attention to what's going on here, folks, because it's instructive. We don't actually know what caused the fires — that will likely take months...
Considering that Bibi is basically the Israeli version of Trump — not as big a buffoon, but just as venal, corrupt, unethical, and narcissistic — I...
I would absolutely try that place.
A lawsuit for defaming an anonymous screen name on a messageboard would certainly be a new chapter in the annals of legal stupidity.
I question Bannon's sincerity in making that particular argument.
If I own a restaurant, I'm allowed to tell you that you can't walk into my dining room and shit on the floor. The health department is allowed to...
I don't think Bakula counts as stunt casting, anyway. Level 1 stunt casting is when a non-actor is cast in a role for reasons having to do with who...
Ironic, because the same folks fly into a rage whenever "skinny with big tits" characters don't appear in video games.
Being doxxed by bigots, maybe not. But there are women who have reasons to need things like marriage records or name change records sealed ... and in...
It's amazing how many so-called "libertarians" are totally willing, if not downright eager, to see people trampled on six ways from Sunday as long as...
... says the same person who swore up and down that SCOTUS would never reverse Roe v. Wade. Which state legislature would that be? The one that's...
How's that gonna work, exactly?
Truth is now whatever the loudest group of people says it is.
Luckily for us, we have both of them, no matter what the assorted liars you make common cause with insist.
Have you always been this fucking stupid?
I mean ... most things that have to do with the way people interact (or don't) with other people are social constructs, pretty much by definition...
I'm, like, 99.9% sure that's a joke post. Mostly because of the Ukrainian flag, because the idiots who would post that unironically are all sucking...
I'm not sure which is more embarrassing. Having a sock puppet that you use to insist that you get lots of sex ... or being that big a simp.
I would say that I love watching shitty people tear each other apart because they focus their shittiness in different ways that are mutually...
I believe the precise wording of the verdict was "who cares? Own the libs! Own the libs! Own the libs!"
She's not becoming a Pelosi clone. Sometimes she prioritizes getting shit done over posturing and demonstrating her purity, and there is a segment of...
I can roughly half agree with you. Broadly, I think that the absolute worst scenario for any public good is complete control by one private...
The funny thing is, I actually forgot for a minute that we know UA has been through a divorce. And he's doing his "divorce-fueled bitterness against...
I'm not sure what "something better" would be, short of a Star Trek-style post-scarcity economy. We've seen examples of command economies and...
I didn't know you could be a secretary in accounting at 13.
You appear to be indulging in the fantasy that you're a decent human being, so I'm glad to know that you don't think we're under any obligation to...
"I may not be able to defend the people I've chosen to get in bed with using anything resembling facts or logic, but by God, I can whine up a storm...
And what's the explanation for other supposed "hellhole" cities being highly desired and hard to find housing in?
Separate names with a comma.