Hush your slanderous mouth. I am not law enforcement. I'm Judicial and have been for quite some time. I'm a Magistrate and Administrative Law Judge....
Section 13A-6-22 Assault in the third degree. (a) A person commits the crime of assault in the third degree if: (1) With intent to cause physical...
Okay. You win. I'm a fraud and have no idea what I'm talking about. I don't have time or desire to argue with you. Have fun on ignore. Paladin...
I don't think you are. I'm merely having a conversation because, at the end of the day, I know I'm right. :diacanu: Are we talking past each...
No. No injury, no assault. I can't get any more clear than that. I would have to know more specifics about your hypothetical situation because...
Oh, bull crap. Unwanted touching is illegal, but it's not assault. Every assault law I've ever read has two major components that even the police...
The Court has a long history of making laws (and lets not kid ourselves about that issue) when the Legislature is either unable or unwilling to act....
Wake up your phone. Start recording video in 1080p and stream it to Facebook. How long is that battery is going to last? If the answer is anything...
The first time I went to NYC, I was probably seven years old. My grandfather and I were standing on the fantail of the Staten Island Ferry talking....
For the record, like loitering, being forced to retreat had been so thoroughly neutered by the courts that it was rendered unenforceable. Moving one...
Body and dash cameras have their limitations, some of them legal, but they're better than nothing. For instance, State law says that the only person...
I was listening to CNN on the way to church this morning. The topic was Marjorie Taylor Greene's speech at the White Nationalist event. They had...
I still maintain that Putin is many things, but he's not suicidal. Even the Great and Anointed Orange knows nukes are suicide. Using even a...
That's fair. Historically, the Russians have demonstrated that they really don't care about the "laws of war." They made a calculated decision and...
My concern with that is that they just made themselves a legitimate military target. How many civilians will die when Russia sends cruise missiles at...
We promised to never speak of...that night. :wub:
You mean how the US would be sending aid to the beleaguered and tired Russian troops liberators?
It really puts it into perspective when you realize the 890J is the same length, width, height, and mass as the US Navy's South Dakota class...
That reasoning doesn't work at all. Putin was inaugurated as President of Russia on May 7, 2000. The year before, Poland was admitted to NATO. In...
I've been playing video games with the same ten people for about the last eight years. I'm the transport and logistics guy. Another guy is the...
Things could very easily spiral out of control at any given moment in human history. I don't disagree with you.
In '91, we did push into Iraq, but not far. Just far enough to stop the threat. Now, that becomes more difficult when you consider a cruise missile...
That's a good question. One I'm not entirely sure how to answer. I would presume, and I'm certainly no expert, that we would have to maintain air...
I didn't know anyone else here played. I started with an Aurora MR starter pack back in April '20 when everything shut down. I'd been resisting my...
Because they're children with panicky parents? A nuclear apocalypse won't happen on one condition. The same condition we faced in the Persian Gulf...
In a lab explosion after a hung-over grad student puts the wrong sequence of chemicals/compounds in a centrifuge in a neighboring lab.
To win the moral victory? Is that what you want? Cool. You win. Congrats. Let it be written, let it be done. Electronically signed this day 25...
CNN showing live stream video of Russian troops crossing into Ukraine from Belarus.
CNN broadcast: According to the border forces of Ukraine, they have come under attack by Russian troops and by Belarusian troops.
Air raid sirens going off in Kiev.
Initial strike was cruise missiles targeting C3 and runways at all airports.
Russian marines have landed in Odessa and Russian army forces are crossing the border near Kharkiv.
It's a full scale invasion according to the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry. Nation wide on every city.
Separate names with a comma.