So I take it that there are no real substantive updates to this, based the nearly 40 memes @Tuckerfan has posted in the last 48 hours? That's nearly one meme an hour.
Hi. Welcome to Wordforge. You must be new here. Tuckerfan is our pet meme poster. His job is apparently to spend 10 hours per day combing the internet for memes. Anyway, enjoy the ride!
The judge and DA will try to limit introduction of evidence about how bad a guy the CEO was and how healthcare agencies are destructive to life in America. But I wonder if he pleads an affirmative defense of "defense of others" could he shoehorn in all the political statements he wants by bringing in experts showing the evil the CEO and similar companies are doing?
I was wondering that too, a defense of others argument. I'm not a lawyer, but it seems like you could at least make a case that since people are suffering and dying because of the decisions this man was making, he felt compelled to act in defense of his fellow citizens.
His lawyers' main angle seems to be that you can't simultaneously charge him with murder of an individual AND claim it was intended to intimidate/coerce a civilian population. I'm not sure that flies. MLK's assassin killed a man, but also wanted to scare black rights campaigners. I'd go with the "all female members of the jury and 2/3rds of the rest want to fuck my client" angle.
His lawyer worked in the DA’s office until ~2018, so she probably knows a lot of the folks on the prosecution team. That will certainly shape how she structures the defense.
That works only if this provokes (or can be shown likely to provoke) some societal change. Hopefully it does.
Tell me the American justice system isn't broken without telling me the American justice system isn't broken.
The thing is, New York is its own special legal system, just like the other 49 states. Other states have the right of peremptory challenge where a party can disqualify a judge and get a new one (but typically only once). I don't know if New York has that too (a quick Google search turned up no results), but New York also does crazy things like calling its lower trial court the Supreme Court.