This: “The reason Biden wasn’t charged is because, according to Hur thought he was a forgetful old man who would be seen as sympathetic to a jury.” and: “Having the documents in the first place is a crime in of itself.” Those are the ones I’m certain of without being at a computer to confirm. There are other parts I’m less certain about but I’m pretty sure are also lies.
You ever stop and wonder why those documents were displayed like that? Did you ever stop and wonder why the FBI didn't display Biden's documents in the same manner? Did you ever stop and wonder why Biden's ghost writer deleted certain documents?
Jesus Christ. You're reacting to the documents photo by bitching about how they're spread out on the floor — the exact same talking point that Trump and his minions were using after the search, which I'm sure is a total coincidence because you're such an independent thinker. Except that @Ancalagon wasn't talking about how they were displayed, because he is perfectly aware, as is every other thinking person, that they are displayed that way because that is how you photograph evidence when you need your photograph to show what it is. He was talking about the difference between documents in a folder stamped TOP SECRET, in which case it is absurdly obvious that they are government property and should not be sitting in a hotel bathroom, and the vice-president's handwritten notes on a legal pad.
And if the boy thinks that's the only photo of the documents Biff stole and that the FBI didn't take shot of them where they first found them, he's never seen actual crime scene photos.
The president is the commander in chief and has top clearance, correct? Does a Senator have the same level of clearance? If the answer to the first question is no then we don’t have civilian control of the military or the intelligence community. If the answer to the second question is yes then there’s a serious problem there.
In both cases, the people involved were authorized to have the information in question when their possession of the documents began. Good lord, your dodging and weaving is getting even more desperately convoluted than it was before, and I didn't think that was possible.
It’s pathetically obvious how hard he is flailing around but without any knowledge, understanding or even a frame of reference beyond TRUMP MY GUY. MY GUY GUD. BIDEN BAD. Anyway for those interested there are four basic classifications (the DoE has some different ones specifically for nuclear secrets which I also think Trump violated but outside my lane). They are assigned on the basis of the potential harm to US national interests and security if made public. UNRESTRICTED - Kinda self explanatory CONFIDENTIAL - Low Risk - This is the basic level of almost anything produced by the military not explicitly for civilian consumption. A damn weekly chow hall menu* will go out CONFIDENTIAL // NO FORN // US, UK, CAN, AUS, NZ ONLY SECRET - Moderate risk TOP SECRET - High risk Now there is another kinda overlapping system that people often confuse with being higher level and that is SENSITIVE COMPARTMENTALIZED INFORMATION which people often just use the initials SCI for. This is info that due to its nature one needs to be ‘read into’ and only after you have been determined to have a need to know. Trump and Biden would both have had TS clearance, Trump as President, Biden as longstanding Chair of Senate Foreign Relations Committee and then VP. Same for SCI although as a Senator Biden would have to have a reason to be ‘read in’ unlike a President who can just demand to know whatever he wants. Not quite sure how it works as VP but pretty sure if the President assigned something for him to work on he can also grant him ‘read in’ for everything related (thinking about Obama tasking Biden to present the ‘No’ argument for the Afghan Surge). Now I’m sure the kid has a well thought out response for why the above is a ‘serious problem’. *I know this sounds hyperbolic but do you want to be the guy who’s job it is to put out the menu and then a supply run gets hit, an insurgent is captured and he says they knew there would be a supply run on Monday because the DFAC ran out of beef Sunday and Tuesday was gonna carne asada tacos? No. No you don’t. So you slap that CONFIDENTIAL label on the menu and drive on.
It will probably consist of "Are presidents the same as senators, yes or no? Are presidents the same as senators, yes or no? Are presidents the same as senators, yes or no?"