Ya know. In a weird, twisted way, you've all answered my original point in posting the article. And just when I thought people eventually grew out of this crap.
Mewa, now I don't know whether Justlee is laughing at me or with me. Saved by the edit. Now I'll be able to sleep tonight.
You say I need to grow a spine? If I wasn't a man of honor, I'd spill your story and then we'd talk about growing a spine, child.
I'm just the answer man. I give everybody the answers they seek in a roundabout sort of way. I guess that makes me God.
Yes, you and the other oversensitive boobs need to grow a spine and stop letting things irritate you guys so damned easily. But of course you just want to do more bullying. All you people are doing is illustrating my point. It's not what you say it's what you do. People just can't help themselves. They have to have their pecking order and will do whatever they can to justify it. And in their eyes it's never wrong because it's the other guy's fault befcause they said something that they didn't like. If bullying was so wrong then they wouldn't be so damned hostile and quick to use insults and threats of physical violence. But of course, it's "just a load of crap". You're the ones getting so wigged out. You're the ones who're getting so hostile. And you're blaming it on me. Which only proves me right. You can't stand the fact that it's not logical. So what. You can't stand the fact that it's me, the most hated person on this forum, so you have to resort to more bullying to get me to shut up because you don't want me to be right. All your unwarranted hostility only proves my point. That there is no such thing as "nobody deserves to be bullied". You're doing your best to bully me, to intimidate me, to treat me like shit and blame it on me, which means you're justifying your actions of how you treat me. If bullying was so wrong and "absolutely nobody deserves being bullied" then you wouldn't be so pissed off and frustrated. A few insults, sure so what? Continued insulting and threats of physical violence is bullying, doing nothing but insulting and threatening people is bullying.
Hey, it's my Karmic destiny. Gotta fufill my Karmic destiny or I'll never graduate to the next level of enlightenment.
Just think, in our next incarnation we could be siamese twins! Bottom half female. You'd always be touching yourself!
Can a Siamese twin rape itself? Assault? What are road trips like with Siamese twins? "Mom! Billy's touching me again!" "Don't make me stop this car and seperate you two!"
Which is one of the reasons that at least in CA schools administrators and teachers alike are being "taught" how to deal with reports and suspected bullying.
I got bullied some in Jr. High, but once high school rolled around it had pretty much ended. The guy who bullied me the most ended up working for my dad and was fired within a month. Vengeance = mine.
Wordforge seems to attract an inordinate number of people who *live* for this crap. To address the topic, my kids took tae kwon do. End of bullying.
You have to wonder what the background of some of the people here is. I was a pretty nerdy kid who finally figured out that I only had to live to make myself happy. The people that would pick on someone else for being weird are the real losers. The people making up the kewl kidz crowd may have changed but the tactics are pretty much timeless.