Foxy knoxy guilty.....again

Discussion in 'The Red Room' started by The Original Faceman, Jan 30, 2014.

  1. oldfella1962

    oldfella1962 the only real finish line

    Nov 28, 2004
    front and center
    Rudy Guede will be eligible for "day release" from prison soon, according to Wikipedia. Wonder how that will pan out.
  2. BML84

    BML84 Fresh Meat

    Feb 19, 2014
    I would say to those who see nothing to suggest guilt there actually are a few issues:

    The staged burglary- a very odd thing by any accounts, and pointing to someone who resides in the property attempting to divert suspicion.

    The moving of the body- again, not something you associate with a sudden, blitz style burglary.

    The finding of it being a Group Attack- which helps explain both the absence of defence wounds and limited DNA traces of two others apparently involved.

    The Odd Behaviour- both placing the call and speaking to the authorities there seemed a definite attempt to downplay certain aspects of the break in. And the alibi seemed to change by the day and has been contradicted by several people.

    The accusing of an innocent man- done by Ms Knox immediately after finding out her partner had withdrawn his support of her. Despite what was later said this statement was quick and voluntary, and she stuck to it until evidence proved otherwise.

    The finding of Knox and the victims blood mixed in five different areas.

    The bloody footprint made by Raffaele.

    All together, and this is only a part of it, it does point to more than an intruder overpowering and killing on a whim.

    I doubt we'll ever know the full details of what transpired unless one party undergoes some sort of religious conversion (akin to Constance Kent) but it is an odd case. And it appears to have brought out the worst in nationalist chauvinism on both sides of the Atlantic.

    And DNA and forensic evidence is not the magic bullet CSI types shows make it out to be. Forensics collects information but it still has to be interpreted in the light of circumstance.

    For myself, I would say it's an unfortunate mix of circumstances and resentment that erupted into violence on one tragic night.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. oldfella1962

    oldfella1962 the only real finish line

    Nov 28, 2004
    front and center
    So regardless of the factors that COULD have been involved - the state/Italy has still failed to prove that Amanda Knox is guilty.
    So by American standards she did an O.J. Simpson - it's not what you know, it's what you can prove. If the state with all it's infinite resources cannot prove it's case, too fucking bad, accused walks. Better luck next time, paisano.

    Thus if Obama doesn't tell Italy to pound sand, he's a racist shit -bag. Tell me with a straight face that if Amanda Know were black he wouldn't have gotten involved yet. Again, with a straight face.
  4. Paladin

    Paladin Overjoyed Man of Liberty

    Mar 29, 2004

    I've done some more reading on the case, and I'm starting to come around to the idea that Knox and Sollecito might be, uh, suspicious.

    I haven't come across anything (yet) that establishes their guilt beyond reasonable doubt but, yes, there is a case to be made that they were involved. The charge is not as preposterous as it is made out to be.
  5. oldfella1962

    oldfella1962 the only real finish line

    Nov 28, 2004
    front and center
    True - but we can't convict people on charges - well maybe in Italy.
    That said, politics and connections are always a factor. Commit murder as part of the U.S. Army when overseas. Not always (but most of the time) The Army will fly your ass back to the U.S. before the dust clears so the host nation can't try you. Sneaky? Yes it is, but The Army keeps its reputation clear as far as one of their members committing murder in your country. Statistically it never happened. It's all about the loopholes.
    The key is quick reaction. Before the foreign cops arrest you (they are not as street smart as U.S. cops, it's not that hard) you get back on the Army base and surrender, and tell them an abbreviated version of what happened. Make it clear somebody died or they won't help you! Tell them you were framed or whatever - it will all come out in the investigation back in the U.S. If you have street smart leaders with connections they will ferry your ass out. When you fly military base-to-military base you can bypass customs. By the time the proper protocols are followed to apprehend you, there's nothing left but an empty room. Of course being civilian you are pretty much fucked.
  6. Aenea

    Aenea .

    Sep 10, 2006
    I think I know how Oldfella got home last time. :unsure:
    • Agree Agree x 2
  7. Liet

    Liet Dr. of Horribleness, Ph.D.

    Jan 11, 2008
    Evil League of Evil Boardroom
    Oy vey, folks. Whether or not it might be possible that Knox committed some sort of crime, the prosecution's theory of the case was fantastically ridiculous. It would not have been enough to get an indictment for a black man murdering a white woman in Alabama, much less a conviction. Any prosecutor bringing that case in the U.S. or any country with a vaguely real justice system would at best either end up taking a leave of absence for some time in a mental institution or be disbarred. The prosecution made up a sensationalistic motive for the alleged actions of Knox whole cloth, admitted having no evidence for that motive whatsoever beyond "she's not a virgin, so of course she's a murderer," and argued that in the court of public opinion and at trial. There was no forensic evidence in the case, an admitted killer with no admitted or proven ties to Knox in the killing, and nothing beyond a dubious and recanted "confession" that makes the "wilding" confessions in the Central Park jogger case look like a model of reliability in comparison.

    The prosecutor and judge in the case, and the judges who sent it back for another trial, are criminals. Unfortunately they can't be tried in the U.S. for false imprisonment and malicious prosecution, but they can and should be tried for aggravated harassment, as well as for attempted kidnapping should they ever try to extradite.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  8. oldfella1962

    oldfella1962 the only real finish line

    Nov 28, 2004
    front and center
    It's Perugia baby! Seriously, when I was in The Army there was a soldier visiting Perugia who's family came from Italy back in the day.
    He thought it would be cool to see the privince of his families origin. He got stabbed and was then arrested/hospitalized and Italy was hell-bent on railroading him.
    Another soldier had his van SHOT FULL OF HOLES when traveling with his family in northern Italy, around Vicenza or Aviano area.
    The Italians did JACK SHIT to help him with police reports, insurance claims, etc.

    Sadly, Monica Belluci hails from Castelenatto near or in Perugia (might be Umbria) but escaped the madness it seems.