Some of you may know me as CLKT, TK's very own! Some of you may not. Some don't care. Some do. Can't explain that.
Oh dearie me, I misspelled my own acronym! Of course it's CKLT and it stands for Colonel Kira's Left Tit. As for TK, I'm pretty sure we all know what that is. Also, hiya Timmaaay.
Hmmm. I am suspicious as well. Interesting. VERY INTERESTING! CKLT Who did I used to get you mixed up with? CKLT name at least one of my duals. CKLT remember that time we posted together in the badlands?
Sure will! I don't generally have a lot of free time during the week though, so we'll see how it goes.
Liar! There never was a time! I put that in to trip you up! Although....there could have been. But I"m not going to look. I think you will pass for now Clippy, but I have my eye on you! Both right and left! Oh and it was FBI Part Deux-which I can't even spell that name correctly. TOO MANY LETTERS IN BOTH NAMES!