A quick google search revealed to me that Gary Lockwood (Gary Mitchell) from the Episode "Where no Man has gone Before" is still alive. I don't think the movie coud be a pissed off Mitchell, mad at Kirk for leaving him on that planet (sounds to much like Khaaaaaaaaan!) I would love to see an episode that brings Gary back. Maybe brought back by Q, or some other species. Show that he didn't actually die, because he had those god like powers he was able to survive. But, because of the shame by what he had become, he had decided to quit Starfleet and live a life on a small planet. Or what ever they want to write, just thought it would be nice to bring him back. Do you guys have any ideas on how to bring him back into the Star Trek Universe?
Well, IMO, if he ever appeared again (Lockwood aside, if everyone else is recast that's not an issue) it ought to be redemptive....that in isolation he adjustedto his powers and regained his sanity....and then having returned to the plot, he had to sacrifice himself to save his friends or something. I always liked the Mitchell character but, other than somehow using him as a device to explan the existance of the Q (i.e. the barrier effect created the Q) I don't know what could be done that was interesting
How about Gary Lockwood reprising the role, but as an old man, and talking to a Spock. Telling him that he had god like powers and didn't actually die when that rock crushed him, but the body died. But now that replicaters are much more improved than there were in the past, they have replicated what his body would look like had he aged progressed as he should have. Gary can say his 'soul' actully stayed with the ship, and followed them around. Gary would state the adventures he saw them on, and as he doing this, the screen can show new actors playing the old roles in one of the more famous episodes. Just a snipet, not the whole episode. Then back to he and Spock in "present day". Gary could start telling Spock about episodes that happen between the final epsiode (Which I believe was 'Turn about intruder") and The Motion picture. Of course using the new actors, which we can finally finish off the original five year mission (and then some extras epsidoes ......)
For Mitchell to exist as some sort of enhanced spirit, the role would have to be recast. There's a lot more to Gary Lockwood these days (offhand I'd say about 60 pounds more) than there was in 1964.
TV Scotty and Movie Scotty nothing. CHeck out the difference between TWOK and TSFS Scotty. Scotty must be a stress eater or something to have put on that many pounds in the two weeks or so between the films.
Well, yeah, but PK was suggesting some sort of Obi-wan spirit figure. Somehow I don't think it would work. Then and now: