Yup. I wasn't gonna say anything, but let me say, I could never be a zookeeper/big cat handler. Because if a cat that size is doing something that dynamic and fast moving that close to me I'd want it to also be dealing with the two .375 H&H slugs expanding in its brain pan.
Well, I'm certainly no big-game hunter, so everything I know about it is from "American Rifleman". But yeah. One of the better dangerous game bullets of the past generation was the Trophy Bonded Bearclaw. The guy who developed it worked closely with Finn Aagard to develop it. Basically you have a copper body with the pointy end hollow for about half the bullet. You fill that part with lead for weight and expansion, but the solid copper back prevents the slug from over-expanding or breaking up. The lead gets bonded to the jacket. The manufacturer (forget who and I'm too lazy to dig out last months magazine) has just updated it. The new bullet has machined cuts in the nose for more uniform and consistent expansion. It also has a boattail (for reduced drag) and concentric rings on the boattail (to allow for bullet expansion in the barrel). finally it has a polymer nose on it for improved aerodynamics. Pretty Only at WF could an LOLCats thread wind up being about ballistics.
I prefer "The Sledgehammer" over the Bearclaw bullet. A 500gr solid kinetic energy penetrator. The conventional school of thought is that anything greater than 500ft lbs of kinetic energy is a waste because it'll just penetrate straight through an average sized adult human's body. I figure, with my Sledgehammer load, if I could line six people up in a row, it'd go through them and two car doors.