So KJ is all "I can't name kittens, I'm terrible with names" After I get my fill of throwing goofy names out there, I come up with Simon and Garfunkel because one of them is fluffier than the other: Well the threat of "Garfunkel" gets her attention and now she's zeroed in on Cricket and Oliver
poking around old pics of the neighbourhood... this is my building on the left in what looks to be the early 50s almost every building you see is still there, with a bit of evolution..
Found some Horizons at an antique mall! They are so pretty: I had an issue that I liked a lot, but I lost it to water damage. I found another copy here. Maybe I'll get it if I get money for Christmas.
Halloween and my brat of a dog - not sure if this shall work! (I haven't posted in forever, and I lurk but I shall try to be more active. Also, several were on my social media and my old account was deleted so if you want to readded to my new one, let me know) Hmm I think I did something wrong there.....