What we're seeing is Cabin Fever as a knock-on/overlay with everything else. Believe me, I know all too well, that Cabin Fever is no laughing matter. The effects on children from the interference with the natural order of their learning process and the economic impacts are going to be felt for a long time. Here's something I hope will help you feel better.
It doesn't hurt me, and it reassures others. Unless they're assholes. And of course, NJ still has a mandate up.
Moderna two-shot. Obviously I identified as being vaccinated the day after it was available. Science. Personally I think it's some kind of smoke screen. What we do know is that the CCP failed to report timely and that WHO failed to adequately and promptly comply with IHR requirements. Real question is why was China and WHO not prosecuted for violations of IHR. Would have saved hundreds of thousands of lives if they notified earlier. The latest distraction is the preoccupation with the 'lab leak theory.' The rt wing version of fake news (friggin morons) is pleased w itself since many conversations re 'lab leak' were censored by (leftist fake news) social media outlets for nearly a year. The right wing fake news is patting itself on back but are as much thoughtless tools as their leftist counterparts, imo. It's like a script created by (or to the benefit of) the CCP; the western corporate media outlets dutifully read their lines. Try not to draw outside the lines or go off book.
I chose to read it as a tongue in cheek thing, knowing @Tuckerfan's offbeat sense of humour. He's not known for sexist attitudes after all, but it certainly could have read that way.
How timely would have been timely enough? Identifying that there's something unusual about these instances of people having flu like symptoms during a flu season is hardly on most clinicians radar until the statistics become significant and warrant investigation. Equally bad would be a hairpin trigger which rendered each and every such warning meaningless and led to global apathy. Bear in mind both the CCP and the WHO utterly outclassed the US response and then some.
Rephrase required possibly, I think the word "honey" was gender neutral. Try rereading the post in a really camp tone and you'd get something closer to my initial take on it
CCP and plenty of other countries (including my own) have extensive experience with outbreaks of SARS. They absolutely should have identified this sooner. In fact, most of the scant information that's come out of the CCP indicates that they did know a hell of a lot sooner and gagged their own scientists. So the CCP can kiss my fucking arse. That's like saying you're the winner of the short-bus derby.
One thing that may be worth noting is that while the "I'm vehemently against all public health measures" crowd insisted that lockdowns would lead to a suicide epidemic, suicide rates actually went DOWN.
Well if vaccines are useless/harmful/5g delivery vectors so Biden can control my brain, why shouldn't I wear a mask just to be on the safe side?
Once the mind chip is injected, the mask reduces the 5G interference from other chips. It's obvious, really.
I dunno. But "long COVID" is a thing, and not something I want anyone to endure. In the winter of 1977/1978, the area I lived in got hit with the worst winter weather we'd seen in, quite literally, 200 years. Not only were we stuck at home for a number of weeks at a time, but there was a mad scramble by schools to figure out how to remotely teach students, but also inform them of what was going on. We managed to muddle through thanks to things like the US Mail and TV broadcasts. It's a whole easier today to figure that shit out and inform people. I see your point with this, but as bad as things might be, they still beat being in an ICU, worrying if one is going to live or die. Seriously. I'd much rather to have to endure the various emotional traumas I've had to deal with if that meant I didn't have to worry about finding myself in a hospital, hooked up to any number of machines, just to keep me alive. And I've been close to that second part. I also know that due to things like genetics and my medical history, there's a good chance that I'm going to have to endure far worse things as I get older. I'd rather deal with going batshit because of restrictions on my movements than to be hooked up to a raft of machines to keep me alive. And that's ignoring the fact that the necessary medical treatment could well cost far more than the money I might make in a decade. And? Remember, I live in a country where not only do small business owners have to worry about losing money because things are locked down, but the folks running the places, or working for them, also have to weigh the costs of seeking medical treatment. Are you having health problems because there's something significantly wrong with you, or because you've got a mild infection that can be cleared up with antibiotics? Now factor in that it might cost you a significant part of your income to get an idea of what's going on. That's the America I live in, where even though your insurance company claims that they'll help alleviate the cost of a medical provider, that doesn't at all mean you'll be able to afford the money demanded by medical professionals, even before they see you. I get being sick of it but the alternative is mass death or a lifetime of disability for a significant portion of the population. YMMV.
But my point is that the most vulnerable should now have been covered by vaccine, reducing the risk of serious illness and making the chance of death virtually nil. Unless you think the vaccines are not effective. I’m not advocating a total removal of restrictions, for sure if you have Covid then isolate. But I don’t think ‘close contacts’ should have to isolate unless they themselves get a positive LFT or PCR. I think it is excessive in today’s landscape. Although this will undoubtedly mean cases go up, the number of cases don’t matter as much if it doesn’t prompt a serious or deadly effect any more, because those who are likely to most seriously affected will have protection from vaccine and those who aren’t at risk and still unvaccinated are likely to just get a relatively mild illness. I don’t want anyone to get incapacitated or hospitalised by Covid, but the balance is imho tipping from those at risk from that to those at risk from other negative aspects that restrictions bring. That’s all. By coincidence I read about this on BMJ the other day. You’re right, but they exercised a word for caution that this could change with the length of time because of social and economic factors - exactly the same concerns as what worries me.
Toy show was jam-packed in a PAL building with B-Ball-court-sized showrooms. Everyone was masked. They were taking temps on the waiting line, and limiting occupancy to the fire code number - only letting people in when people came out. No one made any effort at distancing, but everyone was looking at toys on vendor's tables, not each other. I was comfortable with the situation. I've never seen so many Funco Pops in one place in my life.
My wife still doesn't want me getting a haircut, even though I'm vaccinated. I'm a long hair freaky hippy now.
Yeah, my wife keeps trimming my hair for me. She's good at it, but not a pro. I was never one for getting regular cuts anyway. So it's been at least since two Novembers ago for me.
why is this "not good?" Isn't a major part of being "woke" avoiding making brown people feel bad? Hell denying that India has even been affected at all by Covid would really help their public image.
Interesting that the noise about "SARS-COV2 escaped from the Wuhan lab" seems to be increasing. I was a skeptic of that scenario from the beginning. Now I am stating to reconsider. Even Dr. Fauci said that there needs to be an investigation into this.