'People aren't showing up to work,' South Florida workers already feeling heat of immigration bill - CBS Miami (cbsnews.com) Video https://twitter.com/ChairladySpears/status/1656010140515020801?s=20
The ability to do business in Florida is going to crash and burn. You already can't get insurance on big construction projects due to climate change and hurricanes, the insurance market is melting down entirely. In a few years it will be brutally hard to get a mortgage, who will insure it? The state paid $3 billion into their 'insurer of last resort' program and it was insolvent by the end of the month. They've discriminated against the largest employer in their state, so who the hell wants to move their business there? And now they are forcing the people who actually build their homes and offices to flee. That while destroying the education system. Jesus, we are watching the fall of civilization in real time in Florida. Next big hurricane hits, and it will, they are done.
welcome to destupider duh. One of the benefits of the duh was it did not go full on red fascist until recently. Now the state is going to suffer the same fate as other red state disasters because they all want conservative corruption on the right. The benefit the duh has is it does have good weather at the moment, and a ton of ports and beach front property at the moment. Unlike a landlocked red shithole in the midwest the duh has a lot more value. The duh is likely to survive desantis and there may be a left shift when the fallout comes for his fascist displays. The problem is there will be a huge amount of guns, and the coastlines are always in danger of hurricanes and flooding which will eventually get worse. For some reason the weather shift has put southern and eastern duh in a sheilded point where the hurricanes seem to either go north or under the tip and hammer the backside or gulf coasts in other areas. I think that is temporary and when the shift happens it is going to be hell where I am.
Good. I mean, I do feel bad for the folks whose lives are being interrupted, but this needs to happen. These fucks can't keep getting away marginalizing and oppressing entire swathes of people and think they can still squeeze labor out of them. I stand in solidarity behind every immigrant who refuses to work while DeSantis is ruining their lives.
I have to think that all those major entertainment companies with theme parks in Orlando are starting to look elsewhere, given the hard-on Desantis has for Disney. I appreciate moving a theme park would be a massive, costly undertaking but if just one of them picked up and left, that would be a devastating blow to Florida's economy.
I do, too. I make all kinds of money, picking up the slack for people who can't be bothered to show up for work. By all means, sit on your asses at home and see what happens.
Someday, Atlas is gonna shrug, and then we'll all be sorry. We'll all be begging forgiveness. Yeah. Yeah. Yeeeaaahhh!
No, some day your comfortable civilization will collapse, and all you "body by x-box," "the world owes me a living" types will run out of head meds and start eating each other. Meanwhile, me:
I am someone who earns his keep. I am also a contarian who is MORE likely to show up for work if I know some picket line is waiting to obstruct me.
I was joking before, but that sounds very much like scab talk. Have you ever scabbed, Al? Or knowingly crossed a picket line?
We've seen your pics, pal. With that physique, the only way you get popcorn is if someone renders you down to drizzle on it.
I would never work for a union shop, so it hasn't come up. But yes, I absolutely would cross the picket line. Not because of the merits of their complaints, but because some mob telling me when I can and cannot earn a paycheck is an automatic "FUCK OFF" from me. I'd work extra hours that day.
If you think any of the theme parks in Orlando are leaving florida you are dumber than UA. I get it would be nice to fuck floridians for choosing Ron Descumbag, but that industry is huge and linked to geographic qualities you simply cannot find anywhere else. Besides, Ron is clearly only picking on one business which is going to have a huge payday when they sue florida for obvious discriminatory government practices. This is the tourism industry and not some underpaid teachers. He openly admits this is in retaliation for them speaking. Disney is going to own the middle of the US cock when this is done. God you are stupid if you think you could just put one of these theme parks in the middle of some backwoods red southern state and get the traffic of Orlando. The next non-floriduh place would be Atlanta and 6 flags Atlanta cannot do near the business Universal does.
dude has to cross the street when a little girl with pink hair is on the side he is on. I am pretty damned sure he isn't crossing any picket lines without ducking down in the Trump limo. Besides, I am pretty sure there is not going to be an industry strike of people who fuck @Jenee so his employment is safe and he can keep playing tough guy on WF while she is making the sugar for her daddy.
Fuck you and your mob justice, chickenshit authoritarian letting others fight your battles. Of course you would see someone harmed for not yielding to your petty little demands, so long as YOU don't face any risk in the process. True to form.
Says the guy who'd cum down his leg if the Pinkerton men came back, and started splitting skulls open.
Sorry, I realize my post wasn't related directly to the topic at hand, but it fits in with the overall theme of the Florida legislature passing stupid, hateful legislation that's ultimately going to hurt your average working Floridian (or retiree, since Florida has so many).
Don't feel too bad for the average florida worker because there are a lot of people who have chosen to work and live in florida because they do not want to pay income taxes for the community services they use and florida has no state income taxes. A lot of those people who do not want to pay into things like roads and schools are also the people who love the right wing so they are finding out. These are the same people who would rather drive their BMW to beg on the corner than work at these construction jobs. I drive by them every day begging because it makes more money than working when you are white.
The problem with that is that no rational state has year-round favorable weather. All the "sunny" options are too problematic to make that kind of investment. Which is a Factor Florida Republicans are counting on. Same goes for all the various discussions of boycotts. No major company is going to boycott FL ***and*** TX **and** GA and 20 other lesser states besides. The reactionaries have figured out how to game the situation