I picked up this book because my coworker said he'd give me a DnD campaign based on it if I read it. I figure sure, how hard can it be? I download the Kindle version and I find out it's 18,000 Kindle pages (1,000 in print). I say CHALLENGE ACCEPTED and begin reading... and for the past week it was all I could do! This book is amazing! Great, great, great world descriptions, incredibly imaginative, solid, the world is believable. The author expertly creates an entire world, with distinct cultures and races. The main characters are interesting, diverse, and it's hard to predict what will happen next. It's hard to describe so I'll let the Amazon review summarize it: There's supposed to be a sequel out at some point, but books this detailed and this long take a long time to write. I figure it's worth the wait, though. I hadn't read a book this good in years! For those who get the Kindle edition, the author has put all the illustrations on his website.
You had me until Brandon Sanderson. Douchnozzle couldn't write Mat Cauthon if his life depended on it.
I don't think that's fair. Didn't he have to finish a dead guy's book? I'm sure if anyone picked up the last books of the Hunger Games or Harry Potter, it would fall flat. Everyone hated his ending but the rest of his stuff seems really well liked.
Don't sweat it. Matt Cauthon isn't in The Way of Kings. I was skeptical about it as well, but it was a fascinating read. Sanderson creates a very unique world to stage his story in.