So, Ii finally bought three tickets and took my son ages 11 and 9, and we went Friday afternoon, man that was a good time! I was worried at first, because of the parking, and when I decided to check things out earlier in the day, nobody that worked there knew where I could even buy tickets or pick up tickets. I had decided to check things out during lunch. I went back to my office and printed out my own tickets at my computer. When my sons I went went in, we walked right pass the two lines, one line was to buy tickets, the other was to pick up tickets at the "will call window" . (I found out later that SOME PEOPLE ENDED UP WAITINGI IN LINE FOR TWO HOURS!) My youngest son asked if we just "Cutted in front of all those people" I told him no, that we already have tickets. My older son said "Cool, but it still feels like we cheated" . Anyway, once in side, my kids did the Punt, Pass, and Kick (and Catch) instructions. Which was taught by college players. The Punt was actually taught by the punter from the Atlanta Falcons. Which was cool as my sons plays for the Falcons at his school, and had on a Falcon Jersey. The player gave my kid a "High Five" and moved him to the front of the group. They had courses on Running the ball, through mazes and tackeling dummies, and jumping in the end zone and landing on a big air bag. Also on catching passes and kicks which was thrown by players and a machine . And Passing the ball, which had a radar to check the speed, and if the hit a target. My two sons competed all night. The younger one is almost as tall as the 11 year old, and is 30 pounds heavier, so he is just a bit stronger. We took pictures of the boys going through various stages. We finished the night by going on the ferris wheel, which had to be the biggest one I have ever seen in my life. My boys talked about it all the way home, and the kept tahnking me. Mom had a light supper warmed for us, we ate the boys told everything to her. And we looked at all the pictures. They both feel alseep right away..... I'm glad I did this, it really was not that expensive, and was a once in a lifetime chance. The Superbowl will come through my backyard again, but my sons will not want to be hanging around their dad when it does....
Isn't that the Volpone experience? Sorry, it had to be said, and probably will get me slapped for doing so in the Green Room. Seriously, though. My son played his first organized football game (touch football in a Y-League in a gym) yesterday but he was so excited because his team is...the Giants. Despite being only six, he can't talk about anything other than the Super Bowl and Eli Manning. I realize raising a kid as a Giants' fan is kind of like child abuse, but I come from a long line of fans of the Big Blue and it is fun to see things through a child's eye once in a while. I bet you had a blast with your kids.
The Giants have enough good years to make it worthwhile. It's especially good when they beat the hated Cowboys.