This might focus more on Vash and his brother from the looks of the trailer. Some pretty art and some 3D animation that looks a bit doubtful in isolation but also resembles what I see in modern anime ads so maybe it's just industry average these days?
Great, just what anime conventions need after COVID. A resurgence of idiots carting around giant crosses covered in their old stained bedsheets. I lived through it once I don't want to do it again.
The problem I see with this is that by making the series more serious you eliminate why everyone loved the first one so much. Vash was a spastic idiot in the anime. In the end of the series when it got serious people started to dislike it. Trigun also appeared in the anime starvation era. People liked crap back then because it was all there was. No one gave a fuck about the plot of trigun, they cared about the goofiness of the characters and how they had seen nothing like them before. Now they are just a quaint shadow of modern wacky characters. I do not see Trigun being a sailor moon crystal. Going back to the Manga in SMC made sense as that source material was something people embraced more, and the show was not entirely the comedic adventures of Usagi and her friends. In the case of Trigun the manga never seemed to be some great story everyone had to read because they saw the anime. The anime seemed to be the superior product because the vapid fans liked vash and smoking cross carrying monk dude who I cannot be bothered to look up now. No one watched trigun for the plot. They watched it for the humor. I bet many fans have blocked out Vash and his brother being plants because no one cared. They just wanted him stealing donuts while destroying everyplace he went, and defeating all the bad guys in absurd ways. I could be wrong, but this sounds like a project a few fans wanted, but new anime fans don't need to be bothered with because they have their series.
I've tried to read the manga a couple of times but I just can't follow the action panels even though I know what's going on from the show. Anyway, second trailer.