They can still chose another person early. No reason to drive voters away with Biden. Nothing of what you said changes the reality that Biden drives voters away from the dems and no one is going away if you change because Biden is the cowards choice. The cowards are all voting blue even if you ran the most shitty, old, feeble, racist, sexist, cunt of a man. That is why we have Biden in the first place. Right now even Trump does better than Biden vote wise. There is no worse than biden if you want to win a popularity contest in america.
The Ohio deadline is August 7th. That's less than three weeks from now. That's not enough time for any sort of fair nomination race. Also, who the fuck is "they" in your scenario?
Actually, the Ohio GOP put conditions in to allow the Dems to nominate someone after the deadline and still be on the ballot. However, the Dems found the terms so onerous that they opted to have the vote before the deadline.
Here's some hard hitting journalism from Rachael Maddow. If you're a Lord of the Rings fan, you're a Nazi. If you switch letters around you can come up with another word. Who knew? Hard hitting journalism indeed.
That's a easy mistake for a conservative to make, though. Conservatives assume liberals are in lockstep with all liberal media because conservatives are all in lockstep with all conservative media. Seems conservatives often forget that liberals are actually capable of thinking on our own and not just following the herd. I’m just kidding, of course. Liberals control all of the media. And by liberals, I mean the Jews.
Fair race? What fair race was there? There was no race at all. The dems have backed joe and kept him from exposing how old and feeble he is and their mistake was letting him show his stupid before the primaries. Now there is a chance to get him out, and anyone is better. BTW, I have noticed your jew supriority and love for Isreal. You should love this because now Joe can give all the support to Bibi for the next few months and boost their stockpiles up without any real opposition. This is what I am talking about with throwing the baggage overboard with Joe. He can fuck over Palestine good and hard while the dems point the finger at him and keep the palestine support going for the dems because whoever they run can say it is not what they would do without ever having to stand by it until after they get the vote. Then they have four years to retcon their endorsement to the zionists. It may not be my choice with how I feel about zionism and Isreali genocide, but it is great politics to dump everything on the lame duck president. It is the perfect ruse. Not only that it becomes the perfect compromise for the dems. They have months to pretend they are pro-palestine while making sure Isreal is set up behind the scenes. You could even dop similar things with Ukraine. All of a sudden Joe is letting them strike internal russian targets while the next guy might go back to shaking his finger at them if they do that. Dump all the crap baggage on Joe and look like the good guys for listening to the opposition. You do not even have to do a thing you promise.
If they can’t remove Trump for insurrection, I can’t imagine a consistent Supreme Court () would allow states to remove Biden from the ballot for missing a deadline.
It is not uncommon to chose a semi well known popular term for your company. We know the terms were used because of LOTR. Palantir makes sense as it is a scrying object of power and you have a venture capital firm that is supposed to be using their vision to make profit. Narya makes sense as the elven king who would have been wise and powerful, whil;e also being a dog whistle to Aryans. This is not as much of a conspiracy as a lack of ingenuity in naming things and making dog whistles. Whatever Tolkien believed is irrelevant to the reality we know Vance saw an easy Aryan misspelling and thought OMG that has to be my company's name because he is a teenage Nazi edgelord. Seriously, when I was considering my first LLC delivery company I was going to name it UPYS. Me and my would be partner thought it would be a cool name that was close to UPS and actually stood for Up Yours. That is what you get when you are twenty and think you are being funny and have an opportunity handed to you. FFS I used to use anime terms for my network naming conventions when I worked in IT because I could relate the names to characters and objects that were familiar to me. If tolkien and LOTR were my main fandom I would have used the characters from LOTR. It personalizes your business and has a cultural reference that often shows the less intelligent you read or know something. There is a large number of geeks who swing their knowledge of tolkien dick around much like Star Trek geeks do. It is also a little bit narcissistic in that it forces others to learn something about you if they recognize your naming convention.
It is probably about as elusive as a consistent blue or red MAGA. Joe Biden could start talking about grabbing a woman by her pussy tomorrow and the Biden Bros would be all about how we should ignore locker room talk and that is just Joe.
This "Biden step aside" shit is dumb. Just don't vote for the fucking fascist. "Biden too old" is just entitled crybaby bullshit. "I want a better candidate!" Tough shit, it's Biden or Trump, pick one (not the fascist, please?) If you can vote, you're a fucking adult. Adults don't get what they want, fucking ever. Spend your entire life working your ass off and fighting like hell, you might get 10% of what you want. No one wants to fight like hell for better candidates, just bitch every four years. "Cap-it-uh-lism is ebil, we should do a communist utopia!" Not gonna fucking happen. Even if it did, it wouldn't work out how you want and things would still suck. But if we work hard and fight like hell, we might be able to make capitalist 10% less shitty. "Billionaires should stop being so gweedy and exploiting people" Fat fucking chance. However, if they're smart they'll keep the exploitation sustainable. Right now it's not. Working hard means a little bit of comfort? Sustainable. Working your ass off to cover half your needs, and being told to work harder still? Not sustainable. Billionaires gonna billionaire, but if they ease up a bit we might not just take all their shit. Fucking liberals... at least the conservatives were smart enough to realize Trump was useful even though he wasn't ideal, and look where that got them. Right now, we're at "imminent fascism," so, don't vote for the fucking fascist. If all you dipshits manage that, then we can fight like hell to make things 10% better. That's all were getting, that's the most we will ever get. Don't vote for the fascist. Also, mods: please change my name to Liberal Albert?
If the SC wanted to at least pretend they were consistent, they could probably argue that the Trump removal they overturned was different because that was on specific constitutional grounds, and Ohio technically never removed Biden from anything so much as they just didn't add him because he didn't apply properly and on time. Or they'll just write "because fuck you, that's why" on a napkin while high fiving each other.
For all the Biden Bros, getting rid of Biden puts up a wall for the repugs. It stops all the anti-biden crap they have put out for the last four years. They say the Biden insiders are running everything? No wait, we dropped him like a rock along with his administration. Not only that but they dropped him because he was obviously old so the corruption line gets eliminated because he wanted to stay in and everything has been linked to his crime family, and you have a reason that does not point to him as a criminal. If he was a criminal he could have held onto the power, but since he is not we tossed him out. The Isreal Palestine thing. Just dump everything on Biden. Just chose some new person who will say we will act on America's best interests and completely lump any animosity for the acts of Isreal by the palestine protestors onto Biden. Biden was an old warhawk who had all the wrong ideas, so we are bringing in a new and more modern president who will handle the problem in a new way. It doesn't have to be true at all, but you can give hope and rewrite the narrative while being noncommittal. You get Harris to excuse herself. Make some excuse that she is not ready to take over yet and either keep her as VP or make her secretary of state to see if she can build herself. She will go for that. As long as she goes along with it for a cushy position then you have no problem with backlash because she can cover that. If you really feel there is a problem with POC you have Obama continue to be the death blow for Joe. Lean right into Obama being the kingmaker. Then get behind someone like Newsome who can rip shit out of Trump and defend himself against the he is too liberal attacks. I am not dead set on him as he might have some shit of his own to deal with, but the dems should be aware of his skeletons at this point. He seems to be able to speak well, and has some wit about him. He does not look like he will be a Ron Desantis where every week you have some creepy new thing to deal with. This could be a landslide without Joe. Trump is still god awful and repugnant to all but his base. Stop running a putrid corpse that is driving everyone away. I am sorry to be somewhat racist and sexist, but land on an acceptable white guy if you are nervous about the timing. That is not me, as I would run Nina Turner. I understand that pitch would take some time. Do not run Bernie. Please keep that loser out of any considerations. I like him but he has no business as president with his lack of ability to see things through to the end and his pipe dreaming with no actual method. But chose someone easy, and do not go with another ancient fossil or some (for a better term) DEI fad candidate. Oh, and someone shoot bloomburg.
Trump wasn’t on the ballot in Colorado or Maine yet. His applications were contested (same as if people thought there was determinative signature fraud); saying he was “removed” is colloquial. And the SCOTUS decision was very clear that states can’t impose additional restrictions on presidential candidates’ ballot access.
Well, I'm finally convinced: That is clearly a dementia signature at the end of that document. I also retract my Bizarro UA rant. I was wrong, we shouldn't settle. We deserve a perfect candidate. If the Democratic party can't produce a perfect candidate, vote for Trump. It's the only way they'll learn. (Sarcasm aside, I like how that URL ends in a sad face.)
Or Barrack Obama. Which is karmic justice if so, since it was Obama's influence in 2019 that made him the candidate in the first place.