And what about that switcheroo they pulled with a certain very famous MCU character? Thought he was one guy but he was actually another. That was totally unexpected and downright epic (I had shielded myself from any spoilers before seeing the film). I saw the movie a week after it was released but the theatre was still full and the audience was so into the movie they cheered when that happened.
Ryan Reynolds did try to get Nic Cage back as Ghost Rider. Hopefully, he'll come back for Doomsday or Secret Wars.
I guess my question is, do I have to see this in the theater? The reality is the people who I go see movies with are not comic book movie fans, and I would have to go to charlotte to see it with someone who would appreciate it. I don't see this as a have to see on the big screen movie like Dune. Plus the movie theater experience gets to be a bit of a problem because I am going to have to piss and walking down steps in the dark becomes a problem when you can't feel your feet and all your balance is related to vision. I am pretty cool with waiting for this to make it to a streaming rental and enjoying it on my couch with some pot and the pause button so I do not miss any of the jokes, or can back up to catch something I barely saw.
Depends what you go to the theater for. Pure technological experience, or cinema history? Nothing about the technological experience would have made "Princess Bride" better, but it's "Princess Bride" I regret not going. This is one I'd go for history. It's the big goodbye to the Fox-Men franchise. That's a big page turn. Like no more Luke Skywalker, or a James Bond retiring.
I don't really care about that. Is it visually stunning? Is it a Dune or Fury Road? The reality is I am going to have to figure out when to piss. In a movie where the main point is the rapid fire dialog and on screen jokes I am going to miss a laugh or two while I go piss. Unless it has must see on the big screen visuals I really do not care about historical value, especially for the MCU. The only thing I might care about historical theater viewing would be Trek or some anime.
It makes sense. Hugh Jackman is getting older. They need a younger Wolverine. The same way they got a new Xavier. Could be why RDJ is playing Doom. So, everyone is in the theater when the new Wolverine is announced/exposed. Kinda like bringing in. …. (IMDB search resulting in nothing). … OMG, I didn’t realize Elliot Page was in Days of Future Past. Anyway, I feel RDJ is a ploy to introduce younger actors as characters in the MCU.
Close to 20 years younger than Jackman. Then they’ll do the same to Cavil. At least, they’re giving us storyline reasons. Unlike Darren Stephens who was just replaced without ceremony.
Ok. You win. You’re eversomuchfuckingsmarter than me. 14 years is so much closer to zero than 10. Is that what you want to hear? And, if so, I’m so sorry for you that you do not get the validation you need in real life. @Spaceturkey, you should help this guy out, You live near him, right?
Mental health and poverty I’ll give you, but I’ve no addictions. And poverty is only an issue for others looking at my lifestyle. Which, I haven’t given a fuck about since early childhood.
na.. but it'd take about 10 minutes to have a few folks around here formed and taken to CAMH for an assessment.
congratulations on having your article published? it is yours, right? I mean, unnamed "sources" and claims of something entrenched that nobody has ever heard of are usually your thing. I know a LOT of film folks... never heard the term before you brought it up.
Pretty sure no one outside a few people who are going out of their way to claim victimhood thought it might be. Also pretty sure that box office is not correlated to quality (or gender or sexuality or race of the protagonists). D&W was a fun movie that people had been waiting for for a while, that was executed extremely well for what it was. I myself have seen it twice in theater. It happens to be better IMO than other films that I saw twice in theater (like for example Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania) and worse than films I saw only once in theater (which would include Infinity War, Endgame, the Spider-Verse movies and so forth).