BEST THREAD Wow, we've had a fuckton of threads. I mean wow, what an assload of threads. There are currently over 33,000 threads on this forum, and that doesn't include whatever we lost in the Lanzmangate of last year. I mean wat Out of those 33,000 threads, one made it to the top. It was undoubtedly the best thread I've ever read, and IMO it was closely followed only by Kyle's reviews of ST:VOY, if only for his willingness to submit himself to four seasons of pain. :winner: Clickety
BEST POSTER This was VERY closely contested between Paladin and Asyncritus. This poll was multiple choice, since there were SO MANY AWESOME PEOPLE. These two were the only ones to get more than 50% of the vote. The closest to them was ChaosDescending at around 30%. These guys mean business. Unfortunately, there can only be one. :winner:
MVP of the MEDIA CENTRAL This award is for your dedication to the Media Central. Your review threads, thoughtful commentary, and overall awesomeness make that forum a great place to be. Thank you for your wonderful posts this year. Also, you fucking suckup, this is your fourth 'Forgie this year. :winner:
MVP of the GOLD ROOM Need some help? This guy's probably got the answer. It's a great award to have, really. It means we think you're at least worth listening to, which on the internet is actually kinda cool. We could ignore you, but we don't! We actually like you. :winner:
We're down to our last award. MVP of the GREEN ROOM. This guy bitches a lot. It's like a constantly-running whaaaaambulance. But man are those threads good reads. Don't get me wrong. They're great threads. Love 'em. I decided his career is one that's not for me. This guy also posts some rather neat projects, which I always love to look at. Yeah yeah, I gave it away already. :winner:
Whew. I'm exhausted. If I missed any let me know. For now, off to the afterparty with y'all, where we reveal who's got the best bewbies.
Great effort TK. Despite the lack of interest you put some great work into this thread. One Q though, I thought it was Dayton who won the "most in need of getting a life" poll? Or was that a seperate just dealing with Trek?
AWESOME! If I'd known all I had to do to win a forgie was get cancer, I would've started eating olestra potato chips years ago. I guess I appreciate it, and I love you all, and a special thank-you to Chevron Oil, you know what you did
Is Barack Obama coming to this WF Gala thing Is Bar even invited If Bam comes to this here gala, I hope he comes in his :obamacar:
*Walks in just as the crowd exits.* *Looks around.* ...Oh, very funny, Spielberg. Whatever. I don't care what little pranks he pulls, A.I. WAS terrible. *Walks out, embittered.*
I would like to thank the Academy and all the posters who have made the Gold Room what it is. I'd like to thank Elwood for humoring me when I suggested starting an advice forum all those years ago, and I'd like to thank TKO for putting together the Forgies every year. Without all of you and your contributions I could never have made it to where I am today. Now I need to get to work and come up with an idea for another forum so that I'm not competing against Paladin as directly because that fucker is like James Cameron or something.
Thank you TKO!! If anyone is dedicated, it's her! Seriously, thank you guys for the Forgies...and two nice ones, too! I love you guys!