Is that actually a real quote? Because at her age she should have spent some time in a power outage without TV. It is not like she was born after common battery backups, pads, or laptops. All of us of her age sat for long periods on stormy nights playing board games and card games by candlelight because the power was out again, and the TV didn't work. Repugs are so stupid.
Watch the whole thing. She actually gets dumber as she goes on. Marjorie Taylor Greene: “You’re going to tell me that back in the Ice Age, how much taxes did people pay, and how many changes did governments make to melt the ice?” (@acyn)
Sporkfoot was on Alex Jones this weekend. The Knowledge Fight guys do a good breakdown of the episode.
This has to be some weird Freudian slip admission to something, but for what, I can't imagine. Drinking + sterno = strinking?