This scum mother sold her 11 year old daughter to multiple men each night, for 40 dollars a go. Soon she became prognant, and fled with a man to Mexico, where she also miscarried. But the guy she fled with ultimately sold her into prostitution again, and she was trafficed about by different sex slave traders, and had two babies during this time. She was recently discovered, pregnant again, and returned to the USA. Her mother is now in jail charged with selling her into the sex trade.
Hanging until nearly dead then drawn and tied to four horses and whip the horses do they run off in four different directions
You can say what you want, but having children changed me. Note, they changed me for the better. I simply can't wrap my head around people that purposely harm their children. I honestly, simply can't understand it. It does not compute. To that end, I have three very, very hot button issues. In no certain order, they are: 1) People that go around lowered crossing arms/flashing lights at railroad grade crossings. 2) People that harm/take the innocence from children. 3) People that harm the elderly. To that end, I'm against the death penalty as a practice, not as a theory. I don't trust the government to pick up my trash on schedule, much less determine guilt or innocence in a life or death situation. With that said, the death penalty is reserved for humans. People that harm/take the innocence of children and take advantage of the elderly are simply not human. They're animals that need to be put down. Edit: Kiddo picture removed. I can't even imagine purposely harming my kids. The mere thought of it makes me tear up. I love my wife, desperately. But, until I had my kids, I never knew what it was like to want to jump in front of a bullet for someone.
Its terrible that stuff like this happens all the time though boyfriends, parents...the people they are supposed to trust the most...