I would ask WTF you guys are talking about, but Squirrel homoerotica is popping up with Sham and Dian and I am getting tired of knowing way too much about @Uncle Albert and @Jenee 's favorite squirrel porn. Then people are going top blame me for knowing about this sort of thing, and I did not bring up or make up their squirrel porn. Get a fucking foamy waifu pillow and stop bringing your foreplay to the red room you two fucks. The red room is for talkiung about my escapades with a glory hole and at furry cons and gay biker camp, not for hearing about your squirrel fettish FFS. I am not being serious, so do and
You’re all for “law and order” when it comes to people entering this country, but not when it comes to running an unlicensed “animal rescue.” Interesting.
Yeah, isn't UA all in favour of human children suffering in the hopes it'll teach their parents whatever lesson he wants them to learn?