Sadly, no It's the only major race I never scored. I just _can not_ hit on Asians... Serious culture gap... They sit there across the table and they just giggle, and I can absolutely never figure out what they think. It ends up with us both just staring at each other like we were from different planets.
This is Wordforge. Originally formed largely from expatriates from a Star Trek board. Shouldn't you start with "Who Here On Wordforge, Has Ever Shagged a woman?"
Negative: gooks, slopes, slants, and bucket-heads (Koreans only). :santa_smiley: Anyway, no I have not. When I was in Korea it seemed they all smoked - that's a deal-breaker. Also, the culture gap was a factor. I can't slide by on looks - I'm a better boyfriend than a one-nighter. Thus it takes time for me to grow on you, and only certain women "get" me. So if there's not a lot of communication, I can't get any romantic traction.
I never had sex with an oriental girl. But I did have sex with a white girl after we ate Chinese food. Does that count?
Fuck yeah! I live in California, son. I've hard around half a dozen Asian girlfriends as well as some not girlfriends who are girlfriends which you rent by the hour. I'm not proud but all of those working girls were when I was in the Army and deployed to Thailand, Korea, or Japan. I haven't done that in years but I have to say any man who claims he wouldn't have when he's young and a willing women is in front of him is a liar.
Hey El Chump. What, are you looking for pointers? Struck out with ALL of the other nationalities of the world? Or are just a really piss poor ATTEMPT at being a comedian?